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Thread: Pins & Pharmacies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Pins & Pharmacies

    Hey boys, another quick question for ya...

    Can/do you buy your pins at a pharmacy? If you've read a similar post of mine, you'd know I got my gear and I'm jacked to get this winter bulker started. Problem is, I don't have pins and since I'm between 2 houses and a dorm, it's hard to get private sh*t shipped anywhere! The gear alone was crazy trying to get it to a location I could get to in time.

    I've read multiple times about bros on here walking into a pharmacy and picking up some pins. Which ones do you use? Big chain Rx like Rite-Aid, or smaller pharmacies like Rick's Drugs? Any advice on the matter at all, from why you say you're using them, or things to look out for will REALLY help. As I said, the gear's just sitting here and I'm more than ready to get swole.

    Years of natural training, years of research, and I'm stuck at the LAST possible hurdle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Check your local laws to see if you can purchase pins OTC.Or simply call a pharmacy and ask.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    there was a post along time ago giving what states you can and cannot purchase pins, but i agree with pinnacle calling and asking never hurt anyone, or just walk in and tell the lady what you want if she asks why you need them (she shouldn't even ask) just say you use them to transfer ink into your ink cartridges for your computer
    (i read some 1 using that 1 before sounded good) best of luck


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Check your local laws to see if you can purchase pins OTC.Or simply call a pharmacy and ask.

    Not a bad idea, but any idea WHERE I can find a real list of state laws? Maybe a government site? I've looked around, but whenever I try a search, it comes up with medical information and other useless stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearAholic
    there was a post along time ago giving what states you can and cannot purchase pins, but i agree with pinnacle calling and asking never hurt anyone, or just walk in and tell the lady what you want if she asks why you need them (she shouldn't even ask) just say you use them to transfer ink into your ink cartridges for your computer
    (i read some 1 using that 1 before sounded good) best of luck

    Well who needs 50 pins and 100 syringes (2 different lengths and types ) to fill ink cartridges? I don't think they'd buy an "I work for an ink filling plant" line either...

  5. #5
    the walgreens i go to in new york sells 10 syringes at a time w/ no prescription

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    i usually just tell the pharmacy that i take vitamin b6 shots. it works everytime and they usually don't have a problem selling them to me. they will even special order a box of pins if they don't have the size and length that i like.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    or was it b12? hell i don't know, whatever it is it works

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Have a look in the yellow pages for any med supply stores....Where I am from there are at least 3 stores here. I can get any complete syringe with the pin in a sealed wraped plactic for less then 20 cents if that....and it's never a problem buying them..They always say to me we have plenty in stock if ya need more.. oh and it's not illeagal to buy them here.

  9. #9
    i walked into walmart and bought my pins,, no joke either they were 18 cents a piece and they had 22g 1.5 and 1in also had 25g 1.5 and 1 i bought like 50 of them, i went there told them that my dog was hit by a car and i have to give his testosterone shots to get him back to normal,, the chick totally could tell i was lying i told her i had a neoplolitan mastiff,, but she sold me the pins anyways thats my experience

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    just click on the word pins

    and regardless where you are at, your name is on the mail so no one should be opening up your mail....problem solved

  11. #11
    U can easily get pins on the web. look up rymed. thats what i have

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i ordered my pins to my college, I got them from PetMeds....on the web......and the boz was labeled SYRinge alll over it......The woman working the mail room just looked at me and shook her head when she handed me the package, I told her it was from my mom, and said she packs things is the dumbest shit,,,,,she knew but she didnt car. I guess its luck of the draw

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ARR sells them.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Order them online, you'll have them in 2 days and you can buy as many as you want, any size you want, with no questions asked...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Rhode from cvs the day before...order a box...pick it up rhe next day

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