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Thread: injection help

  1. #1

    injection help

    I had an injection of Andropen in the glute two days ago. When the guy gave me the shot and he pulled the needle out it bleed a good bit. Now I have a swollen area around the site and a small bruise. I am wondering if anyone knows what happens if you accidently hit a blood vessel and the injection goes in and second, what happens if the guy pulled the needle out so that the injection was not in the muscle but subcutaneous??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005



    first, i wouldn't sweat it. if you went are bleeding, you went through a vein. i bleed when i shoot my glutes, sometimes it pours out, sometimes a dab, just depends bro. i get bruises around my delts'll be alright...the ass will hurt for a few days. keepa heating pad on it, message it in a hot shower, and take advil. the advil alone should take the pain away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    another thing...

    ur injecting's british dragon's version of sustanon 250. get ready for the pain big man. make sure u read the article about sustanon about how to inject, so u can take advantage of the short esters. just be thankful ur not putting test 400 in ur glute. bring a grown man to tears.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by paroroid
    I had an injection of Andropen in the glute two days ago. When the guy gave me the shot and he pulled the needle out it bleed a good bit. Now I have a swollen area around the site and a small bruise. I am wondering if anyone knows what happens if you accidently hit a blood vessel and the injection goes in and second, what happens if the guy pulled the needle out so that the injection was not in the muscle but subcutaneous??

    U shld be fine. U probably clipped a vein on the way in... I think everyone has had it happen at least once... The lump cld be from injecting to fast..

  5. #5
    all right, thanks guys, I am new to this and I am a little worried about the whole deal. Me and my partner are a couple of jack asses that know nothing about injections. I was getting ready to bail but I may stick with it a little longer, we'll see. That was my third injection and I have already put on 8 pounds so I would like to stick with it....

  6. #6
    Next time, once the needle is all the way into the muscle, pull back on the plunger to check if blood enters the syringe. If this happens, it means that you've entered a blood vessel. Withdraw and try again.

    Read the "Injection Info" part of this site. It's where I learned how to deal with this the first time. Good luck.

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