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Thread: Question about SUST.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east

    Question about SUST.....

    Hey guys quick question,
    I am going on my 1st cycle which will be 16 amps of Sust 250 for 8 weeks. I have to play baseball while on this. Will the sust make me too sore to play?? I heard the prop in the sust caused a lot of pain. I also heard I can take vitamins such as B-12 to help cease pain. If so how much B-12 should I take and when should I take it? Is there any other vitamins out there that could help me?

  2. #2
    It depends. What type of Sus do you have ?? Some will cause a slight discomfort in the injection area, some will not.

    Also, where are you playing ball at ?? College ? Professional level ?? Are you not worried about drug testing my friend ??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    I play in college....but I will be doing it this summer where there are no drug tests.....I havent gotten the sust yet I will let you know what brand name it is....Thanks Key...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    london ENGLAND UK
    add some deca to u dart with the sust in it, not only will this e's the pain but your will get better gains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    Cant do Deca due to the fact that it stays in your system up to 18 months. When I go back to school there is a possibliity I can get drug tested.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    london ENGLAND UK
    the soreness isn't that bad it normally hurts me 4 about 3-4 days

  7. #7
    Good boy Pete....stay away from the deca for that simple fact of being drug tested. Is it possible for you to get ahold of some Winny ?? You could run a Sus / Winny cycle which will do you some good.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    But Key,
    I dont think I will need the winny. I have very little body fat and I am very skinny. I'm 6''3 170 and this is my first cycle. I heard you're really not supposed to stack on your first cycle anyway.....
    Thanks Key,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    There isnt that much prop in it to really make you that sure, JMO . Only 30mgs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The sus will hurt some that is a given. If you restrict your shots to the glutes and rotate between sides, after about the first thre or four shots the pain will lessen to a day or two and not be as bad. Try to shoot on days before your off day of training becasue the first few will hurt pretty bad and you may need that day. Also there is a chance that you will get the sus flu. You won't get it all the time but when you do you feel pretty bad for about a day. Good luck and don't forget your anti e's and clomid. BTW that was my first cycle and it worked wonders.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Peter
    But Key,
    I dont think I will need the winny. I have very little body fat and I am very skinny. I'm 6''3 170 and this is my first cycle. I heard you're really not supposed to stack on your first cycle anyway.....
    Thanks Key,
    I'm sure you don't need the winny. I've got very little body fat myself and I threw some winny it - works wonders (just ask PaPaPumP). Plus, if you're doing any sort of speed workout, it'll help get you a little quicker.

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