What sides did you guys get from using test prop at a morderate Dose .. acne or what so
What sides did you guys get from using test prop at a morderate Dose .. acne or what so
Just pain from injecting itThat's about it. No acne for me if shooting ED.
ya im gonna inject eod.. ed is alot of times for 8wkOriginally Posted by Smak
I get night sweats bad. Wake up and I'm freezing cold and my sheets are like they just came out of the washing machine. Also, I get dangerously horny. And, although I'm able to control it, I seem to be more confident which makes me more confrontational and I seem to have a shorter temper. I'm more likely to throw down while on, that's for sure.
If you can i would shoot prop ed in order to keep your blood levels constant.
Shooting ED would be a good idea if you are trying to avoid sides.Originally Posted by xtralarg
Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing
are you serioius about that.. if so why?
Yes, ED is better. Less sides meaning more stable blood levels. When your blood levels aren't consistent, more sides can occur. Shooting ED will help alleviate this because they're not fluctuating as they would shooting EOD or E3D. Prop stays active in body for 3 days so you see where i'm getting at here. Less acne, hairloss if prone, etc.. Also with stable blood levels you won't get as depressed and have less mood swing and feel better overall.Originally Posted by jaym_100
I think i need to start doing it ED then.. I've been moody as hell lately..
He beat me to it.Originally Posted by Smak
I've tried it both ways and ED is the way to go with prop.Originally Posted by jaym_100
i'm shootin winny ed. bout too start prop as well. it's not that bad, just learn to inject different spots....nothin to it really
Originally Posted by 100m champ
A perpetual hard on...if that's considered a side effect.
some get extreme pain..some dont
Originally Posted by TCEL300
how long does this pain normally last with prop.. ed would make you in pain all the time which would suck for me at track practices. im gonna start off going eod 100mg
The only side I have experienced from Prop is very high sex drive.
The pain depends on what prop you use and also varies from person to other. I haven't experienced pain from BD when I injected in gluts but the pain was very bad when injected in calves/tris/quads.
ya im gonna be using a test prop.. from bulgaria i thinkOriginally Posted by Alex2
Best of luck bro. You won't have any noticeable pain if you inject in gluts. But I'd say don't inject in your calves/thighs before you try on your tri's. If you get pain from injecting in your tri's then forget about the legs altogether because you cannot walk for a week or so.Originally Posted by 100m champ
I used prop @ 75mg/ed for 15 weeks. I was tired of sticking myself so much so I dropped it to 150mg/eod thru week 23. I noticed zero difference between the 2 methods. In reality, the prop has a half-life of 3 days, so eod is just fine. Also, I had no shutdown after this long cycle(prop/EQ/var), and my test levels are higher than they were before.
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