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  1. #1
    popeyethasailah's Avatar
    popeyethasailah is offline Junior Member
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    LETROZOLE anti estrogen treatment

    i have a source that can get me Letrozole , which like Armimadex, is used to treat and prevent breat cancer by stopping estrogen. has anyone ever used this, or does anyone know anything about it compared to Arimadex when taken for OUR purposes...?

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Mar 2002
    It supposedly raises IGF-1 levels where arimidex lowers them. There is confliciting evidence of this though. It is a more potent anti-aromatase than arimidex.

    I've heard some pretty good feedback on it. I plan on taking it post cycle to shed off any water. It also stimilutes LH so it probably would help with restoring natural test.

  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Apr 2002
    Hey bro check out this post and also hit the link "Making Estrogen Work For You." There is some good info there.

    I like to hear more from the bros, sence I'm thing of using femara for my anti-e too.


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