please leave your best ever bulking cycles you made !!! thank you!!
please leave your best ever bulking cycles you made !!! thank you!!
i like drol deca test-e cycles.
will be my next bulker. It should be really nice.
Last edited by Smak; 11-26-2005 at 11:15 AM.
Test E, Dbol, Deca.
Test,Deca,Tren hands downthrow in either dbol or droll too
Deca and Tren together?Originally Posted by Hazard
I hope you don't have a gf.
Anadrol 50
Test E
Tren Ace.
cycle I'm on right now.
Test E
Prop kick start
i havent run this yet, but i will start it in mid may.
week 1-5: 75 mgs dbol ed
week 3-13: 70 mgs tren acetate eod
week 5-13: 250 mgs sustanon eod
75 mgs d balls daily is to much i think1!!!!!!!!Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Why start the sus on week 5, start it on week 1 it will take 4-5 weeks to kick in.Originally Posted by Tren Bull
This is what i would do
Week 1-4 50mg Dbol ed
week 1-10 75mg tren a EOD]
week 1-12 250mg of sus EOD
I like the cycle martini has set up for you except i prefer to shoot tren acetate ED less sides for me
Do you really need to poke EOD with Sustanon?
Yeah, me to 75mg EOD was just to keep his dose lower.Originally Posted by david beads
you havnet run it yet and i wouldnt .. way too much dbol and you only need it for the first 4 weeks and why wouldnt you start the other gear at the beginning of the cycle aswellOriginally Posted by Tren Bull
in my experience, its a good idea to up the dose after you finish the dbol. i want to continue growing after the first 5 weeks. last time i started all my gear from week one with dbol for the first 5 weeks, i didn't grow much at all after i finished the dbol
thats not a great idea start everything from week one. tren a ed unless you want tren sides.Originally Posted by Tren Bull
im about to start drol/test/tren/ and possibly eq cycle...hopefully it'll work good.
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