Been off for a while.....I want to do a cutting cycle
Was thinking......
12 Week cycle
Week 1-12
500mg Test E
Week 1-8
Tren A 75mg EOD
Week 6-12
T3 200mcg daily
Clomi/Tamox ED while on cycle
Clomid therapy PCT
Any suggestions?
Been off for a while.....I want to do a cutting cycle
Was thinking......
12 Week cycle
Week 1-12
500mg Test E
Week 1-8
Tren A 75mg EOD
Week 6-12
T3 200mcg daily
Clomi/Tamox ED while on cycle
Clomid therapy PCT
Any suggestions?
why not hit the tren with ed injections to keep your blood levels more stable? plus with the test...why not run prop instead of test e?
u said u were planning on running a cut cycle and going with tren is a good route definately. but if cutting definately do prop. i like the t3 thrown in there.
I just didn't pick the Prop because of the ED injectionsOriginally Posted by Got Insulin?
I was trying to get away from it somewhat
I was thinking of Test E 250mg Mon and 250mg Fri
I know 100mg Prop ED and 75mg Tren A ED is good but too much sticking for my liking
So I was thinking 4 sticks a week for the Tren and 2 sticks for the Test
200mcg of t3 is quite a high dose,you sure?
Well thats 1 ml of the stuff on AR reasearch siteOriginally Posted by xtralarg
they have it listed as 30ml bottle and 200mcg per ml
Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL
Originally Posted by superstretch74
Ive never had t3 in liquid form,just tablet and ive never gone above 50mcg per day and have had excellent results.Im not saying your wrong but would advise you to do a bit of research before you start.Im sure if you started a thread on t3 your question would be answered in no time.There may even be a sticky/old thread on it somewhere?
200mcg T-3 is extremly high....have you used it before??? if so at what dose?? I only run 50-75mcg when on a cutting cycle.Originally Posted by superstretch74
i would change your test E for prop (ED) AND Tren ED, and cut the t3 down to around 25-50mcg, anything more with be catabloic to your bodyOriginally Posted by superstretch74
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