I decided to post this as there seems to be a lot of the younger lads on here who are so impatient and all they think about is using anabolics steroids instead of the best anabolic which is FOOD.
This article is a re-post from Johnny B from another forum which I find to be 100% correct.
Basics of cycling
If you are under 25, it is best for you to have an x-ray done to see if your growth plates are closed. If they are, you can start cycling. If their not please wait, you'll be glad you did.
Keep it simple, don't try and get all your goals out of one cycle. Start simple, use test first, I prefer test with one ester, enanthate or cypionate, I'm not a multi ester gear fan, but that's me. Start at 400-500mg a week for 10 weeks, make sure you have everything you need before starting the cycle. I like nolva for PCT and to have on hand encase you get gyno. Some have a hard time during PCT with estrogen levels, they can make the biggest guy, be as emotional as a 13 year old on her period. nolva will block the estrogen so this won't happen. You don't want to be 20lbs bigger and crying at a chick flic with your/a girl. Although it may get some of you in touch with your feminine side, which could help with the chics, but your noodle might not work, so that wouldn't be good 
Back to the post, when cycling if you're not gaining, don't think you need to up the dose. What you need to do is eat more food, you can do all the gear you want but if the calories aren't there to promote growth, more gear isn't going to do anything. Your diet is going to determine what your cycle is. If you're eating everything in sight it's going to be a bulker, if you're eating protein like a mad man, with moderate amounts of carbs and good fats, it's going to be a lean mass cycle. If you're limiting your carbs and doing lots of cardio, it's a cutter.
Here's why I like introducing one compound at a time into your body. First of all, you'll know how your body reacts to that compound, good or bad. If you use 2 compounds you've never used, if something starts going wrong you won't know what's causing it. Secondly, adding a new compound to your second cycle, is almost like doing a first cycle again. Here's why, remember I said almost. You are introducing a new compound to the mix, it's hitting the receptors different, so to speak, then the first compound. Which will add a different reaction from the cycle. Deca is more androgenic (it's more anabolic), EQ raises Red Blood Cell count, which all gear does but EQ more so.
Third cycle try a new compound with the test, if you use EQ on the second cycle, try deca on this one or the other way around depending on what you ran on the second cycle.
Fourth cycle, you can add an oral or try trenbolone, I wouldn't try trenbolone and an oral in the same cycle, unless you've run one of them before, but at this point, they should both be new to you.
Fifth cycle would be adding an oral or the trenbolone, depending on what you decided for your 4th. If you follow this plan, you can get some nice gains from all these, because of the introduction of a new drug to your body with each new cycle. Once you've went through this protocol, you can do the same cycle with higher doses or a combination of three compounds at the same dose used before.
With deca and EQ you might want to go 12 weeks, since they both have a longer ester on them, peak levels take up to 6-7 weeks to peak, run your enanthate or cypionate one week passed either one, if you use sustanon, it doesn't matter, because one of the esters clears at the same rate as EQ and Deca. Don't go over 400mg a week with either. When you hit the trenbolone, go 10 weeks with trenbolone enathate and 6-8 weeks if you go with trenbolone acetate with test propionate.
I don't see the point of more then 3 compounds. I've done 7-8 cycle and this is my first going over a gram of combined gear. It's test c/tren e/EQ, each at 200mg every 3 days, about 1400mg a week, I'll drop the Tren e at week 13 and add masteron enanthate for 12 more, may switch to test e. Keeping the EQ/ Mast at around the 400-450mg mark and upping the test to 750mg Back to the post.
Using HCG during a cycle, anything over 10 weeks or the use of any 19-nor. Needs to have HCG run with the cycle, 300-500iu every 3-5 days. Run it up to one week before you start PCT.
I keep saying PCT, what is that, Post Cycle Therapy, this is to restore your natural test levels. The reason for running HCG during a cycle. Is to keep your nuts from shrinking, this gives your body one less thing to recover from, so PCT can get to the work of restoring the HPTA.
I don't like standardized PCT's, what I mean is, 3 weeks of Clomid at certain doses or 4 weeks of nolva at certain doses. I believe all PCT should be run until your sex drive is back and in full swing. I also believe they should have some dose of nolva in them. Because nolva blocks estrogen, Clomid lacks in this area. You don't want unchecked estrogen during PCT. Whatever PCT you run, keep running nolva until that sex drive is back. You need to research PCT and go with what you think will work for you, just remember to run that ending dose with nolva, until that wood is working.
LR3 IGF-1, can be used alone or with PCT, for the first time I wouldn't do it on your first run at PCT. 40mcg is a good first time dose, post w/o, make sure you eat lots of protein. LR3 has an effect like slin on shuttling nutrients into the muscle cells, but to a lesser degree. So a carb/protein drink post w/o is a good idea. I drink another protein shake one hour after, then eat a small meal one hour after that. If you lower your carbs you'll get some fat loss, after those 2 drink and a meal. If you're bulking you can keep the carbs, with the half-life being around 6 hours you'll get that insulin-like effect for that time. I've used avandia with LR3, it give you more of an insulin effect, so make sure you get those carbs in, becacuse you will go hypo.