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Thread: Clen Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Clen Help

    I've been taking the AR Clen for a little while now, and just wanted to ask a few questions. First off, outside of my temp being a little elevated, my strength in the gym has gone through the roof. I've been basically following a low carb diet w/ the clen, but my strength keeps climbing and climbing. I'm up to about 100mcg of Clen per day, without too much shakiness; so my question is, with the strength gains I'm getting, and the increase in temp, should I keep my dosage where it's at, or should I increase it since I'm not noticing much of a weight loss effect, just a strength increase? Thanks fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    As long as your temp is elevated I say you are doing an effective dose, JMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The Deep Dark Swamp
    what does .02 mg equal in mcg

    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    I've been taking the AR Clen for a little while now, and just wanted to ask a few questions. First off, outside of my temp being a little elevated, my strength in the gym has gone through the roof. I've been basically following a low carb diet w/ the clen, but my strength keeps climbing and climbing. I'm up to about 100mcg of Clen per day, without too much shakiness; so my question is, with the strength gains I'm getting, and the increase in temp, should I keep my dosage where it's at, or should I increase it since I'm not noticing much of a weight loss effect, just a strength increase? Thanks fellas

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Land of the sun.
    As stated by Shortie, it's working, but if you're tolerating the sides well go on up to again. Most guys run Clen bet 120-160mgs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Can someone explain what they feel like on Clen. And what's with my strength increases? I didn't know that Clen did that....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    Can someone explain what they feel like on Clen. And what's with my strength increases? I didn't know that Clen did that....
    body building and growth all follow under genetics. 5-8 pills daily, i wouldnt go any higher than 8tabs. your strength increases could be coming from faster blood flow since clenbuterol is a metabolism booster and some mental, did you finish a steroid cycle? if so, your body is still growing even if your last dose was 2 weeks ago.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by onehundredk
    body building and growth all follow under genetics. 5-8 pills daily, i wouldnt go any higher than 8tabs. your strength increases could be coming from faster blood flow since clenbuterol is a metabolism booster and some mental, did you finish a steroid cycle? if so, your body is still growing even if your last dose was 2 weeks ago.
    No man, that's the crazy thing...I haven't taken anything....just the AR Clen. And what's even crazier, is my strength has gone up a lot while eating under 20 carbs per day. For example, before the Clen (2 weeks ago), I was doing 4 reps on the bench at 275. Yesterday, I did 5 reps at 305....NUTS.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    No man, that's the crazy thing...I haven't taken anything....just the AR Clen. And what's even crazier, is my strength has gone up a lot while eating under 20 carbs per day. For example, before the Clen (2 weeks ago), I was doing 4 reps on the bench at 275. Yesterday, I did 5 reps at 305....NUTS.

    then its the genetics taking effect, your diet, and the clen is helping with adjusting your body to adapt so your muscles are going to adapt too...your going to notice that you might get a little bigger, cuz the clen also helps multiply protein cells..thats all i can think of. but are you complaining your gettin stronger?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    No man, I'm loving it. My plan was to cut up with the Clen, before going on a Superdrol cycle in January, and then including Clen again in PCT, but I'm going to see how I do with Clen alone before I pop the Drol.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    No man, I'm loving it. My plan was to cut up with the Clen, before going on a Superdrol cycle in January, and then including Clen again in PCT, but I'm going to see how I do with Clen alone before I pop the Drol.
    definetly. good luck, keep it up, most people jump on roids too quick and dont understand that theyre body is still growing...lucky you, your growth spurt happened right before you were planning cycles.

  12. #12
    Wait..are you taking it with a bulking diet? Im assuming so..with those huge strength gains. I would keep it where its at. First 2 weeks..I shaked really badly. Now starting my 4th week..its not too bad. Maybe I am just getting used to it..but when I bring my hands up from the keyboard, they still shake quite a bit. I have gained strength in some areas..ALOT and I have losed strength in some areas ALOT..mainly legs have lost strength.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    When do most people take Clen???

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
    When do most people take Clen???
    after bulking, to cut and tone up

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by onehundredk
    after bulking, to cut and tone up
    after the pct???? if so how long????

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Wait..are you taking it with a bulking diet? Im assuming so..with those huge strength gains. I would keep it where its at. First 2 weeks..I shaked really badly. Now starting my 4th week..its not too bad. Maybe I am just getting used to it..but when I bring my hands up from the keyboard, they still shake quite a bit. I have gained strength in some areas..ALOT and I have losed strength in some areas ALOT..mainly legs have lost strength.
    No, not a bulking diet at all....that's the crazy part. I've kept my carbs under 20g for about 4 weeks now....and ever since I started the clen 2 weeks ago, the strength has gone up

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by rissinite
    No, not a bulking diet at all....that's the crazy part. I've kept my carbs under 20g for about 4 weeks now....and ever since I started the clen 2 weeks ago, the strength has gone up
    That is really seem to react to clen EXTREMELY well. I have never seen anything like that from a thermogenic. Well..anti-catabolic properties seem to really reap the anabolic effects..they never really proved to much to me. Good to hear

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