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  1. #1
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Hows this for a test free stack

    Im thinking of how to put together my first stack. Im looking for the leanest gains (IE willing to sacrifice max mass gain, if i aquire pure lean mass, and maybe even loose some body fat).

    Im not quite sure how suceptable I am to gyno. I do store an unprotionately high amount of fat in my chest. My nipples arent weird, and the mass is not hard or cyst like, just feels like spare fat, but ive always have had it!

    Given that, im hesistant to do more than 300mg of Deca a week.

    Eq is not an option for me right now. Given my options ive come up with this:

    Weeks 1-10: 300mg Deca/wk
    Weeks 1-10: 300mg Primo/wk
    Weeks 5-10: 50mg ** Winny Tabs ED (id rather do 100mg ED...or would you consider that too much? iWOuld you consider 50mg ED too much? Would you suggest 50mg EOD even?)

    One more question, since there are no aromatizable compounds in this stack would you think clomid is neccessary? If so id also included

    Week 11: 100mg Clomid
    Week 12: 50mg Clomid

    I plan to carry Nolvadex just in case I see gyno coming on (though I know Deca gyno cannot be reversed by Nolva, but heard it can help prevent it).

    I also plan to run a more cutting oriented cycle right after this one, it would like this:

    Week 11: 40mcg/40mcg/60mcg/80mcg/100mcg/120mcg/120mcg Clen
    Week 12: 120mcg/120mcg/100mcg/80mcg/60mcg/40mcg/40mcg Clen
    Weeks 13-14: ECA Stack + 500mg-1000mg Usnic Acid
    Week 15: 40mcg/40mcg/60mcg/80mcg/100mcg/120mcg/120mcg Clen
    Week 16: 120mcg/120mcg/100mcg/80mcg/60mcg/40mcg/40mcg Clen
    Weeks 17-18: ECA Stack + 500mg-1000mg Usnic Acid

    Any comments suggestions or concerns on BOTH cycles would be apprciated!

    Late Bros

  2. #2
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    self bump

  3. #3
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    i personally like a bit of test in any cycle, just take some anti-E's and you will be fine in terms of water rention fat loss

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    You need to wait three weeks for the deca to metabolize out of your system before you start your colmid therapy.


  5. #5
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Will Anti-E's completly block the estrogenic effects of Test?

    What about the Winny? What do you think would be optimal dosage for it?

  6. #6
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    Amerdriex at 1mg per day will block estrogenic effects of test yes. You may even get away with lower dose. Winny 50mg ED should be fine, but break in 1/2 take 1/2 am and 1/2 super time or within about 12H of 1st.

  7. #7
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the info.

    One more thing, I guess I forgot to mention. Id also like minimize androgenic sides, especially acne (hair loss isnt a problem for me). Would it still be a good idea to stack Test with Winny, Primo and Deca ?

    Also keeping in mind that this is my first cycle, would 4 different types of gear be wise? Just wondering.

  8. #8
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    I find if i keep estrogen levels low all side effects are much less, but you will have to try and see how you body responds. I think you said cutting so primo would be good, deca is not. So go with orgianal plan, if you really want to add in something else primo is good idea.

  9. #9
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    I know Deca does cause some water retention. That Im not concerned with, just actual real fat gain.

    This is my original plan:

    Weeks 1-10: 300mg Deca/wk
    Weeks 1-10: 300mg Primo/wk
    Weeks 5-10: 50mg ** Winny Tabs ED

    Week 11: 40mcg/40mcg/60mcg/80mcg/100mcg/120mcg/120mcg Clen
    Week 12: 120mcg/120mcg/100mcg/80mcg/60mcg/40mcg/40mcg Clen
    Weeks 13-14: ECA Stack + 500mg-1000mg Usnic Acid
    Week 15: 40mcg/40mcg/60mcg/80mcg/100mcg/120mcg/120mcg Clen
    Week 16: 120mcg/120mcg/100mcg/80mcg/60mcg/40mcg/40mcg Clen
    Weeks 17-18: ECA Stack + 500mg-1000mg Usnic Acid

    How would you fit Test and Arimidex into this? Also JohnnyB suggested I start clomid 3 weeks after Deca. Whats your take on that? How does that change with the possible addition of Test?

  10. #10
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    Well test amd amriidex would be run from begining to end, I would suggest 1st cycle max. 500mg week, may want to go with test prop. less water, but if that is not a concern take whatever you can get that is cheap and real. Yes no point starting clomid until begining of week 3, take a bit for deca to clear.

  11. #11
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    300 mg deca a week for 10 weeks
    400 mg test a week for 10 weeks
    50 mg winnie ed weeks 6-12
    0.25-0.5 mg arimidex ed
    Clomid starts week 13.5
    ** break the injections into 2 shots a week(sun and wed)... each shot containing 150mg deca and 200 mg test.


  12. #12
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2002
    Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it!

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