My name is Tough Old Man. I'm 53 years old. I took off almost 20 years from training and anabolics do to a shoulder injury.
Prior to my injury I took anabolic Steroids for 7 straight years from the mid 70's to the early 80's. During that time all people who use gear was under doctors care. That's right doctors care. We had blood work done every 90 days. Hey I was in the doctors office when several of your top pro bodybuilders came in back then. Sorry I can't mention names, but we all attended the number one doctor in the world at that time, Doctor Robert Kerr of San Gabriel, Calif.
I decided to give it a go around again about three years ago. Remembering all the knowledge past on to me by my doctor, I again started using Anabolics.
A lot of you think I'm new to this game and that I just state things and try to piss you off. Well you wrong. My knowledge comes from experience and also as stated under doctors care and my advice is good.
Sure times have changed but only the products. Anabolics are still done the same old way injected or taking orally. We still need PCT as it was also done back in the 70's and 80's.
So I'm going to stay here on this site and give my advice. I agree I don't know everything but I do have lots of experience and knowlegde and I'm going to tell you like it is.
Note: I want you to think back at all the older bodybuilders you can think that did gear. How many of them have died. Now take a look at the new generation of pro's and there kicking off rapidly. None of the newer generation are under doctors care and just abuse gear. This is what I'm going to try and hope to do here, is help you so you can get where you want but safely.
You have any questions about gear and don't want to post it, be more then happy to PM me. I will get back to you.
Tough old Man