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Thread: test ????

  1. #1

    test ????

    what test is better with deca and d-bol test e or sus 250???????????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    It depend on if you dont mind doing shots with sust EOD
    Test C or Test E you can do 2x a week and that is better for some people.

  3. #3

    test witch one

    I don't mind taking shots I just want what works, with deca and d-bols. I read that this a bulking cycle, I want to put some size and nice muscle definition,I read that winni and ??? can't remember the name right now. but i know it make's you ripped and hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    both will work but test e is easier and will promote more stable blood levels.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I prefer test E as well. It is easier de****g with a single ester.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    go with the sus and get bigger and stronger.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse555
    go with the sus and get bigger and stronger.
    this makes no sense. test is test, so they will both work. in my experiences, test e is cheaper and easier to run then sust. but id just go with what i could get cheaper....

  8. #8
    I know test is test . I just want some feedback on witch one work's well. I hear that one is better. Who has had results from what????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Baja Ca, Mexico
    In my opinion Test is the superior. Sus has four esters. 1 short, 2 med and 1 long. The short which only possesses only 30mgs is out of you system within 24-36 hrs. this brings down your total to 220 mgs. Now the 2 med kick in and there gone shortly with only the long acting ester left.

    The above would tell you that TEST E or CYP with a complete long ester would be better. Now you have to choose your mate. Is it Test or Sust?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ufc fighter
    I don't mind taking shots I just want what works, with deca and d-bols. I read that this a bulking cycle, I want to put some size and nice muscle definition,I read that winni and ??? can't remember the name right now. but i know it make's you ripped and hard.
    Diet and cardio make you ripped and hard not winny.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    It depend on if you dont mind doing shots with sust EOD
    Test C or Test E you can do 2x a week and that is better for some people.
    Since when do you think you have to shoot sus 250 eod. Wrong info there bro!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ufc fighter
    I know test is test . I just want some feedback on witch one work's well. I hear that one is better. Who has had results from what????
    well for me, iv used test e twice and saw good results both times. sust or test e or c will be fine. either one you willl be happy with. but keep in mind, people LOVE to fake sust amps so watch out.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    Since when do you think you have to shoot sus 250 eod. Wrong info there bro!
    I recommend you research sust and then get back to us with a informed opinion "bro."

    Sustanon 250 Profile!

    Sustanon 250 is a unique blend of 4 different esters of testosterone.

    Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as 30 mg propionate, 60 mg isocaproate, 60 mg as phenylpropionate, 100 mg decanoate)
    A steroid user will use a long-acting testosterone and inject it once a week. The end of a week is usually the time when a long-acting (7 or 8 carbon) ester has tapered down to its original level and threatens to drop below that level, giving sub-par amounts of testosterone beyond that point (eventhough the compound stays somewhat active for 3-4 weeks). With sustanon, that equal amount is divided much differently. Imagine a hypothetical situation where one take either 270 mg of a an ester that lasts 6 days, or 270 mg of a blend of different esters, 90 mg each, that release over respectively 2, 4 and 6 days, analog to sustanon. With the first one, an even amount of testosterone is released on each day. With the second one the entire first ester, half the second ester and 1/3rd of the last ester is released within the first two days. The result here is clear : the first two days one gets 165 mg, the next two one gets 75 mg and the last 2 days one gets a mere 30 mg. The levels peak much sooner, and drop off sooner, leaving you with less than adequate androgen levels as the week draws to a close.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    I recommend you research sust and then get back to us with a informed opinion "bro."

    Sustanon 250 Profile!

    Sustanon 250 is a unique blend of 4 different esters of testosterone.

    Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as 30 mg propionate, 60 mg isocaproate, 60 mg as phenylpropionate, 100 mg decanoate)
    A steroid user will use a long-acting testosterone and inject it once a week. The end of a week is usually the time when a long-acting (7 or 8 carbon) ester has tapered down to its original level and threatens to drop below that level, giving sub-par amounts of testosterone beyond that point (eventhough the compound stays somewhat active for 3-4 weeks). With sustanon, that equal amount is divided much differently. Imagine a hypothetical situation where one take either 270 mg of a an ester that lasts 6 days, or 270 mg of a blend of different esters, 90 mg each, that release over respectively 2, 4 and 6 days, analog to sustanon. With the first one, an even amount of testosterone is released on each day. With the second one the entire first ester, half the second ester and 1/3rd of the last ester is released within the first two days. The result here is clear : the first two days one gets 165 mg, the next two one gets 75 mg and the last 2 days one gets a mere 30 mg. The levels peak much sooner, and drop off sooner, leaving you with less than adequate androgen levels as the week draws to a close.
    I don't have to do research dumb ass...I go by what works.....It appears you go by what you just read! Another case of a newbie who thinks he knows his sh*t because he reads the steroid forums.
    Last edited by Zapp; 11-29-2005 at 09:23 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    I don't have to do research dumb ass...I go by what works.....It appears you go by what you just read! Another case of a newbie who thinks he knows his sh*t because he reads the steroid forums.
    Don't get mad because youre wrong.
    I go by what I read and by what I have done, after 25+ cycles I have learned a few should try it some time .

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    Don't get mad because youre wrong.
    I go by what I read and by what I have done, after 25+ cycles I have learned a few should try it some time .
    OK big man......25 cycles. Damn you should be one bad ass looking dude. I'd like to see some pics of that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zapp
    OK big man......25 cycles. Damn you should be one bad ass looking dude. I'd like to see some pics of that.
    All you have to say is " I dissagree with your opinion" no need to start calling names bro.

    As far as me being "bad ass" thats your opinion, I have taken 2-3 years off and have been training now for 6-7 months. All this info is in my new members post.
    But right now I'm 6'1'' 232 at 13-14% B fat, so I'm not too out of shape.

    You have my permission to take out all your aggression on me when ever you feel like it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    enough with the flames or the thread is locked this may help clear things up a bit

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Carolina
    OK....I'm backin off. No hard feelings there tyrone.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    All you have to say is " I dissagree with your opinion" no need to start calling names bro.

    As far as me being "bad ass" thats your opinion, I have taken 2-3 years off and have been training now for 6-7 months. All this info is in my new members post.
    But right now I'm 6'1'' 232 at 13-14% B fat, so I'm not too out of shape.

    You have my permission to take out all your aggression on me when ever you feel like it.
    wow, you make friends everywhere don't you! . and to add to zapp's opinion, sust does not need to be shot eod! if you think that someone gets 165mgs of a testosterone release in the first 2days of a 250mgs injection you are saddly mistaken. reread the profile you listed. then we can talk.
    BTW: sustanon has 30mgs of the propionate ester per ML. wich means you, the 25+ cycle dude, are trying too utilize 30mgs of prop every wk?!?! wow that's beneficial. i bet id be huge if i shot eod then huh!
    post some pics bro, youv been outta line in almost every post, lets see where these ideas are comming from!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    Don't get mad because youre wrong.
    I go by what I read and by what I have done, after 25+ cycles I have learned a few should try it some time .
    what rock did this guy crawl out from under?? Every other post this "bro" is flamin down on somebody......oh well, there goes the neighborhood.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    wow, you make friends everywhere don't you! . and to add to zapp's opinion, sust does not need to be shot eod! if you think that someone gets 165mgs of a testosterone release in the first 2days of a 250mgs injection you are saddly mistaken. reread the profile you listed. then we can talk.
    BTW: sustanon has 30mgs of the propionate ester per ML. wich means you, the 25+ cycle dude, are trying too utilize 30mgs of prop every wk?!?! wow that's beneficial. i bet id be huge if i shot eod then huh!
    post some pics bro, youv been outta line in almost every post, lets see where these ideas are comming from!
    Like the Mod said, please stop the flaming wars. It helps nobody here .

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    sorry sym, but too be honest, i'm sick of appoligizing for this guy. this is the second time today! respect gets respect. some people just don't get it.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone_Biggums
    Like the Mod said, please stop the flaming wars. It helps nobody here .
    wheewww! i'm glad you said it

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    all the info ufc fighter needs is already in the thread now. Everybody take a breath and relax. There is more than one correct way to do many things in life, steroids are no different. Try and see each others opinions with class and stature. If you do not agree, relay your argument in a logical and respectful manner. We all have enough drama in our lives nobody here needs senseless internet bashing.

    thread closed

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