Hi, I like winny injections . I usally run it at 50mgs ED with test cycles with good results. I was wondering about transdermal winny . I read that winny only has a active life of something like 8 hours. Was wondering if using the 25mg transdermal winny twice a day (once in morning and again in late afternoon) would give better results due to the short active life of winny. Does transdermal winny absorb well or is it a waste? I have also drank winny in the past but it seems I get better results injecting it(maybe its just me) and it seems to be easier on the liver injecting rather than drinking or using orals(since it is a 17aa). So is it better to take 2 doses of winny (25mg twice ED ) or are you fine just going with the 50mg once a day? Is the transdermal BS??