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Thread: update and change

  1. #1

    update and change

    cycle is going good,tren,prop winny.
    gains are solid,pain is intense.
    im going to be stopping the winny for 4 wks and adding the A-50s during that time.heres what the cycle is being chaneged to

    wk 1-3 tren 80 mg ed,winny 50 mg ed,prop 100 mg ed
    wk 4-7 tren 80 mg ed.A50 50 mg ed,prop 100 mg ed
    wk 8-12 100 mg prop ed,winny 50 mg ed

    the reason for the change is that even though quality of the gains so far is very nice,im looking to put on some nice size too boot.
    then harden it back up at the end again.

    milk thistle,ala,cranberry yada yada yada

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    south carolina
    cycle looks good, how are you taking the winny are you drinking it or mixing it in with the prop or are you mixing it with the tren, or is it in tablet form. keep us updated on the progress.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Careful with the 17aa's there bro. I know you know your own body more than anyone, just a heads up.

    All else looks well.

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