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Thread: Androplex's Report back from his doctor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Androplex's Report back from his doctor

    Hi Members,

    Just wanted to thank you all so much for standing with me during my valley time.

    As some know and for the others that dont I had blood work done a week from Monday. This was my base level blood work after being on gear test and hGH for 6 weeks.

    The results came in today. Sort of had a scare because the nurse said the doc was going to call me about my test level. Turned out ok however.

    Here is the short list:

    went up 40 points, Its now in a good range.

    Test level
    below average but the good news here is more than likely the specialist ( he got the results tonight and will be in touch with me in next few days) will let me go to two shots a week and this will help my valley problems.

    (sp) 20 (Anything over 50 is trouble and would mean I would need to start taking airmidex)

    I had a lot more test run but all the numbers looked good according to the PCP. We did not discuss over the phone tonight. Will pass on more details later if I think any would be interested in them.

    Again, Thanks so much to those members that posted to me for the support during a very hard time that I was going through.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    glad to hear you are back on track

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Good luck bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    glad to see youre back and feeling better androplex. hope things continue in this way for you for a long time brother.

    peace bb79

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    8 iu's per week hGH

    .3 cc in the morning. Approx .44 mg

    6 times a week.

    BTW my doc said not many studies on hGH at the high dosage. He laughed and said the bodybiulders are who the docs are looking at to see the first reall long term effects of hGH in the high dosages.

    I know several members here at AR on doing a lot more the 8 ius but for me I am happy with the 40 point raise and would not want to go much higher.

    For the others that posted to me here thanks for your comments.
    I am going to work harder on getting more sleep.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    testing .....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    Hey Andro,

    glad to hear things are going good again for you my friend. Keep us updated.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    Good to know you are ok!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Androplex's Report back from his doctor

    Originally posted by androplex
    I had a lot more test run but all the numbers looked good according to the PCP.
    PCP? Angel dust? What kind of shit is that docctor prescribing?

    Only messing with you andro. Glad to hear you are finally "normal!" )Did I just say Andro was normal? Hard to belive after reading some of your manic posts in the last few days!

    Push for that extra shot a week! If you dont use it, save it as grab-bag-party favors when you host a local AR get-together!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Ajax

    Only messing with you andro. Glad to hear you are finally "normal!" )Did I just say Andro was normal? Hard to belive after reading some of your manic posts in the last few days!

    Thanks Ajax, I took a week off from training. Needed to do this for awhile. It sure helped too. I went back and read some of my post. I dont think I was a lunatic but I was feeling pretty low. I have just had a lot of things hit me that was out of my control. Stuff that life just brings to someone without them asking for it. I am proud the way I have dealt with it however. Especially my friends suicide. One gets up in the morning and everything is fine and then wham it hits you out of the blue. I dealt with this when my mother died three years ago of cancer too. The older one gets the more we see death and how important friendship and simple things like just being able to go to the gym and work out means to one.

    Mothers day was not any fun for me either.

    I think one reason why I work out so hard is as long as I have the strength to work out I want to make my body strong in honor of my mother due to her cancer. I know sort of stupid......


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by androplex

    I think one reason why I work out so hard is as long as I have the strength to work out I want to make my body strong in honor of my mother due to her cancer. I know sort of stupid......
    Not at all! I think the biggest tribute we can make to our parents is to take the gifts they gave us and make the most out of our lives.

    Keep makin' her proud!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    Glad to see you are back on track bro! Iv been watching some of your posts and I know you were going through it for a while!

  13. #13

    Glad you're feeling better!

    As a fellow HRT patient...I can totally relate to the highs and lows. I've got my own battles right now with a PCP...hoping to get that fixed soon.

    Good Luck


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