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Thread: testosterone ?

  1. #1

    testosterone ?

    how long dose testosterone enanthate stay in your body for?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    do you mean half life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Dirty Jerzey
    Quote Originally Posted by forrest
    how long dose testosterone enanthate stay in your body for?
    didnt we cover this already today????

    detection time = 3 months dude..... SEARCH BUTTON = FRIEND

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    : i,m so glad the forum section is monitered by junior member--- aas experts,
    if the same ? is asked just answear- without the constant same thing do a search remark if you don't want to answear then don't -----------I got an idea!!! lets redirect and say use the drug profile forums ''''''''''
    no i'm just kiddin it does get old

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Dirty Jerzey
    Quote Originally Posted by vegasdon
    : i,m so glad the forum section is monitered by junior member--- aas experts,
    if the same ? is asked just answear- without the constant same thing do a search remark if you don't want to answear then don't -----------I got an idea!!! lets redirect and say use the drug profile forums ''''''''''
    no i'm just kiddin it does get old
    i will take it that way directed at me. i never claimed to be an expert of any kind but i share my knowledge like the rest in order to learn and help others properly.... i did answer your question but earlier today like 5 min before i saw your post i answered the same question for someone who was wondering about Deca...

    i know that its much easier to create a thread but i think u would def. agree that when the forum gets clogged with similar threads it gets very annoying especially when all it takes is a very simple search... in this case just put in detection times inot a search and the top three threads that show are expremely helpful...

    sorry to rant on you brother....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I am going to help you guys out right now. This small bit of information will keep your blood pressure down and your chances of being suspended or banned for being a prick slim to nill.

    You are going to see the same question repeated over and over again. There will always be someone who knows less information then you and always someone who knows more then you. Just relax and help out or redirect the question to the proper link if you dont feel like typing out the correct answer. There is no need to be curt and get fed up this early.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Dirty Jerzey
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    I am going to help you guys out right now. This small bit of information will keep your blood pressure down and your chances of being suspended or banned for being a prick slim to nill.

    You are going to see the same question repeated over and over again. There will always be someone who knows less information then you and always someone who knows more then you. Just relax and help out or redirect the question to the proper link if you dont feel like typing out the correct answer. There is no need to be curt and get fed up this early.

    hey bro... sorry bout al lthat yesterday, i was just in a piss poor mood cause of work related stuff. Vegasdon sorry for lecturing you.....thankx Abstract........ i need to go change my tampon now

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