I recently made a hugh mistake. I listened to my source and took advice from someone that didn't really know what the hell he was talking about. I had been taking EQ twice wk. 400mg a pop. I had been on this for three weeks when winni was added. My goal is not to get super hugh. I am only 5'5" and 220lbs already. I would like to eventually be 205 ripped. I would like help on what I should start with and what else I will need for the whole cycle. I do not want gyno, and my wife would kill me if she found out I was using. I would like a model cycle for first time and then I could research that cycle and all terms associated with it. I want to me more educated and informed before I take in these chemicals. Please help me. Again, I don't want to be a monster. I bench 225x30 with a max of ? I am a pretty average lifter with all lower body lifts. My goal is to make my back wider with a stronger lower body. I Have a great workout partner that squats 800lbs drug free. I want to take my body to the next level, with some education. Anything to help me would be greatly appreciated. I made the naive mistake, now I would like to fix it. NEED CREDIBLE INFO...