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Thread: Time off?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Time off?

    ok guys I messed up a little, I started my cycle too soon and now it has ended before summer. my last inj of sus 2cc/week and 400mg decca ended on may 9th. I was planning on juicing all summer, this was a 10 week cycle that I just ended with phenomian results. I am an idiot for not getting clomid because of how hard it is to get it where I live so now im rapidly losing weight. (Ive learned my lesson the hard way). I was thinkin of taking 4 weeks off and starting my all summer cycle JUNE 17TH of Sust/Winny/Fina. Has any1 jumped on so quickly before? I dont think i can make it this summer w/o juiceing..some1 please help me..

  2. #2
    time on should = time off.

    all summer ? how long does your summer last ??

    i don't think clomid is that hard to get - doesn't matter where you live. should have gotten some either through one of those online pharmacies - it's legal to import ya know.

  3. #3
    i stopped a wk ago, due to surgery, and im hoping back on july first..

    although i have clomid, and im taking next week for 3 weeks....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    I'm with KeyMastur on waiting to start the next cycle. It is pretty hard waiting though....

    if I were you though i'd try doing a d-bol bridge since you have no clomid. 10 or 15 mg of d-bol all at once in the morning. try it for a few weeks and see if your balls start coming back to life. Hopefully it will help keep most of your cycle gains while letting your system get back to normal.

    Search around... there have been some good threads on bridging with d-bol lately. I think Kaz had a good one, -using himself as a guinea pig.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Time off?

    Originally posted by CLK Davey
    I am an idiot for not getting clomid because of how hard it is to get it where I live so now im rapidly losing weight. (Ive learned my lesson the hard way).

    Silly. I to learnt the hard way.

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