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  1. #1
    vegas702 is offline Junior Member
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    Vet Supply In TJ

    There is 2 vet supply business on the main street in TJ has anyone ever bought fake gear there????????????

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Yes,those are my legs
    The rule is : Closer to the border,the better the chances are of getting scammed.Think about it.

    The only thing I'd purchase in TJ would be a Tequila slammer.


  3. #3
    vegas702 is offline Junior Member
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    would they waist there time to fake a $20.00 bottle of test e

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by vegas702
    would they waist there time to fake a $20.00 bottle of test e
    You are kidding,right?


  5. #5
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    20 bucks and your a millionaire on revolution!. but yeah they will waste their time for 20 bucks, its not like they make a grip down there ya know? but yeah its a chance you take with tj, but you cant get mad when you end up with a fake because its cheap as hell down there. just know where you are getting it from.

  6. #6
    thetruth-76's Avatar
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    50 cents for a glass bottle
    10 cents for a top
    1 dollar for some Crisco
    Seeing some jackass stick pay 20$ to put Crisco oil in his ass....


    Hell yea they would!

  7. #7
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
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    Seen fakes? yes. bought fakes? No

  8. #8
    NYGIANTS21's Avatar
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    Some Fort out there...
    Quote Originally Posted by vegas702
    would they waist there time to fake a $20.00 bottle of test e

    LOL good one...gotta be a joke

  9. #9
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    tj is another world.but you gotta love it

  10. #10
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    Long time veteran of Tijuana

    The prices on Revolution are outrageous and you will get gouged. Remember though, the farther you go from Revolution the more dangerous it gets. There are literally some pharmacies who work with corrupt cops. They will sell you your gear, then call their cop buddy who springs out on you, handcuffs you and says he's going to take you to jail for buying drugs without a prescription. He won't of course, but will take you to an ATM, get a few hundred bucks off of you, split it with his buddy at the pharmacy and send you on your way back home. I know, I know, there are always the tough guys on this board that say "But steroids are legal in Mexico! I'd tell the cop to **** off and go ahead and take me to jail!!!!". Well maybe you would and maybe you wouldn't, personally I don't like calling people's bluff or taking chances. Never know but that's just me. Anyway, TJ is really a treacherous place right now, please just be careful and go ahead and PM me any questions. By the way, I do know a TJ pharmacy that will overnight FEDEX you anything. No newbies reply to me, but if a MOD wants the info, I'll give you address, number and fax number, as you fax your order to them to confirm.

  11. #11
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    stayhungry is right, they can jack your ass very easily. but there are some good ones-- when a friend of mine went he found a whole-in-the-wall "doctor's office" and they hooked him up and gave him a card with e-mail, address, phone number and fax. prices are dirt cheap, but if you get the right source on vet shit you can get it nearly as cheap.

  12. #12
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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    EVERYTHING is cheap in TJ. I loved the border bargaining right before Christmas when I lived in Cali. Get $500 worth of stuff for $50 and sent it back home family. Plus, you can truly get "anything" there you want. As for steroids , I suggest going just south of TJ to a small town calles Rosarita. Much nicer and safer there and the pharmacies don't rip you off.

  13. #13
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STAYHUNGRY
    The prices on Revolution are outrageous and you will get gouged. Remember though, the farther you go from Revolution the more dangerous it gets. There are literally some pharmacies who work with corrupt cops. They will sell you your gear, then call their cop buddy who springs out on you, handcuffs you and says he's going to take you to jail for buying drugs without a prescription. He won't of course, but will take you to an ATM, get a few hundred bucks off of you, split it with his buddy at the pharmacy and send you on your way back home. I know, I know, there are always the tough guys on this board that say "But steroids are legal in Mexico! I'd tell the cop to **** off and go ahead and take me to jail!!!!". Well maybe you would and maybe you wouldn't, personally I don't like calling people's bluff or taking chances. Never know but that's just me. Anyway, TJ is really a treacherous place right now, please just be careful and go ahead and PM me any questions. By the way, I do know a TJ pharmacy that will overnight FEDEX you anything. No newbies reply to me, but if a MOD wants the info, I'll give you address, number and fax number, as you fax your order to them to confirm.

  14. #14
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    I have learned my way around the city of TJ over many years but I remember years ago, I decided to just walk into town instead of taking a cab, and I reached Calle Segunda(the street right before Revolution), and right after I crossed the street this dude starts walking with me and asking me questions. He asks "Do you always jaywalk? You know that is a crime!". Man this was so many years ago and I was like 19, so I was scared shitless. The guy pulled out a badge and said he was going to take me to jail unless I paid the fine right there. He walked me to an ATM and took $180 dollars from me. I honestly just didn't know any better back then. He was some fired security guard but I didn't know any better then. Still, the place is crawling with shit like that and unless you know better, be very careful. There are security guards with badges and are you really going to look and inspect the badge to see if it says Tijuana border police? Do you even speak Spanish to read the badge or be able to call someone? It's a ****ing gutter of a town right now. The worst part is that the Chamber of Commerce decided to do something about corrupt cops so they fired a ton of corrupt cops and replaced them. But in classic Tijuana style, the corrupt cops still have their badge and uniform. Now that they have no salary or way to make money, all they do is prey on gringos crossing the border. Stay on Revolution between 11am and 2pm. That is tourista time and cops or anyone else isn't going to scare tourists by arresting anyone. The Chamber of Commerce would come down on them. But don't try to get slick, venture out into unknown areas or anything. It's just a bad scene right now. I hate Tijuana and what it has become for honest bodybuilders. It's really sad.

  15. #15
    lwgy's Avatar
    lwgy is offline Junior Member
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    QV used to have a website that would list its authorized distributors. other manufacturers might have similar types of websites.


  16. #16
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    i staey in san diego my whole life, been going to tj(not for roids) forever! and the advice i hear about tj on this board is soo blown out of whack some times its not even funny. im not trying to flame ne1 in any way but, there is no time to be on the strip so that ytou will not get messed with. if they want you they will get you period. there is no "safe" time. and it always seems that people have the most ****ed up shit to say about tj yet, they are still down there getting there gear.if people think its such a shit hole stay away from it and everything will be all good. and tj IS NOT a place to serve the BB community, so dont hate it based off that aspect. you hate it for the corruption though that is the whole reason you are down do illegal things you cant do this side of the border.ah where am i going with enough with my rant. late

  17. #17
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    I've walked on revolution st. at all times of the day, even at 4,5,6 in the morning stumbling drunk. Not once was I ever messed with or any of my friends. I did walk over a puddle of blood one time, but this was at like 3pm in the afternoon. lol.

  18. #18
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    see it is safe to walk the streets after the street lights have came on!

  19. #19
    umbrellaman's Avatar
    umbrellaman is offline New Member
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    Cool Check QV batches here

    It's a snap. QV is good stuff. No probs wit it..

  20. #20
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    You fell down my alley. I have lived in baja for 11 years. I live 35 miles south of TJ. You want clean gear, go to Rosarito. There are two vet stores there. All there gear is on the up and up. Trust me as i know both the owners very well and i have used there gear a lot and so has over 50 people who have come down here and visited me to get there gear in the last 18 months


  21. #21
    JUISEBOY's Avatar
    JUISEBOY is offline New Member
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    Go to the Vet by Smart & Final by Revolution. You will find a nice authentic place there. The TJ stories are wives tales. Yes it is dangerous, yes there is corruption and yes you will be fine. Act as if and no one will mess with you.

  22. #22
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
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    I never hear about safety advise on this board that is too out of wack for TJ. You know why?
    You can easily get took down there. Maybe for your gear, maybe for your money, and maybe even for your life. It's not just the cops you have to worry about.

    A lot of those people have nothing to lose.
    Rosarito isn't much better. I've been bothered by those cops many times.

  23. #23
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    tj safety

    This debate has been had many times on this board in the past years, so I don't even share my experiences of the many years I went down to Tijuana. I'll only get flamed by some TJ newbie that went down, got his gear, crossed over and had no problem. The newbie will always post that "Tijuana is so safe man, I got my gear, had no problems, its so great!!!!!!". So I don't even bother warning people about what happens with corrupt cops and the whole scene. Yes it only happens once in a while, but that once in a while you will never forget! I just say be careful if you want to, if not, take your chances. I used to want to protect people by sharing some of the things to watch out for, but it only is a waste of time. Most people insist on learning the hard way.


  24. #24
    JUISEBOY's Avatar
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    6 years and running. Dont make TJ your only run for gear and you'll learn the ways better. Appreciate the country. Yes it can happen but believe me if you only do trips for gear than you do not understand the ways of Mexico. Understand where you operate. Rule 101.

  25. #25
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tj has many things to offer, you just have to look in the right places and be aware of everything that is happening around you. Its good to have posts like these so someone won't fall into any trouble down there.

  26. #26
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    one last free tip

    I heard one of you propose a vet gear place near "Smart and Final". Being a long time TJ vet, I know what you're talking about, and I'll just tell you to watch out for the guy that works there with the really big scar on the left side of his face. Yeah Alzanes pharmacy is no secret, but If your order goes over $1000, bingo he's on the phone to a corrupt cop to shake you down. O shit I should just stop posting about this, like I said people don't believe it until it happens to them. Especially since it only happens maybe once out of 10 times. But if you're that one?........:-( out!!!!!!!!!!

  27. #27
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
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    I've heard a lot of stories about how people really "trust" their pharmacist or the place they buy their gear from. I would never trust any of them. Too many people get burned that way because they "knew" the guy. Always doubt everybody, be suspicious, watch your ass, and cover your trails.
    You aren't there to make friends. You are there to negotiate a deal and try and get home with your goods.

  28. #28
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Small orders for me here And I was always cool with picking up QV products.

    Ive went the brovel route when I first started out and the deca turned out to be more enanthate .

  29. #29
    IXISiDiuSIXI's Avatar
    IXISiDiuSIXI is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by STAYHUNGRY
    I heard one of you propose a vet gear place near "Smart and Final". Being a long time TJ vet, I know what you're talking about, and I'll just tell you to watch out for the guy that works there with the really big scar on the left side of his face. Yeah Alzanes pharmacy is no secret, but If your order goes over $1000, bingo he's on the phone to a corrupt cop to shake you down. O shit I should just stop posting about this, like I said people don't believe it until it happens to them. Especially since it only happens maybe once out of 10 times. But if you're that one?........:-( out!!!!!!!!!!
    You got that right. Saw a vehicle(not an actual cop car) but it had bars in the back, I think it was a 4 runner or somethin, talking with the workers inside or owner, I of course stayed on the other side of the street with the gf... but yeah that place looked shady. I had someone recommend me that vet too.

    Other than that there's 1 other place I would buy my gear in TJ. That place is a shithole and I got in a bad car accident on the way back last time and now I'm hesitant to go back.
    Last edited by IXISiDiuSIXI; 12-11-2005 at 04:33 AM.

  30. #30
    alisher2o is offline New Member
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  31. #31
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alisher2o View Post
    You bumped a 6 year old thread to say that?!

  32. #32
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Seems to be a lot of that lately. Heh.

  33. #33
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    Is the price down there really like $20 each?someone added above.

  34. #34
    celticgreen1973 is offline New Member
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    the post is six years old prices go up.

  35. #35
    xxblazenlowxx's Avatar
    xxblazenlowxx is offline Associate Member
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    Scareface went from pushing coke to juice?

  36. #36
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STAYHUNGRY View Post
    I have learned my way around the city of TJ over many years but I remember years ago, I decided to just walk into town instead of taking a cab, and I reached Calle Segunda(the street right before Revolution), and right after I crossed the street this dude starts walking with me and asking me questions. He asks "Do you always jaywalk? You know that is a crime!". Man this was so many years ago and I was like 19, so I was scared shitless. The guy pulled out a badge and said he was going to take me to jail unless I paid the fine right there. He walked me to an ATM and took $180 dollars from me. I honestly just didn't know any better back then. He was some fired security guard but I didn't know any better then. Still, the place is crawling with shit like that and unless you know better, be very careful. There are security guards with badges and are you really going to look and inspect the badge to see if it says Tijuana border police? Do you even speak Spanish to read the badge or be able to call someone? It's a ****ing gutter of a town right now. The worst part is that the Chamber of Commerce decided to do something about corrupt cops so they fired a ton of corrupt cops and replaced them. But in classic Tijuana style, the corrupt cops still have their badge and uniform. Now that they have no salary or way to make money, all they do is prey on gringos crossing the border. Stay on Revolution between 11am and 2pm. That is tourista time and cops or anyone else isn't going to scare tourists by arresting anyone. The Chamber of Commerce would come down on them. But don't try to get slick, venture out into unknown areas or anything. It's just a bad scene right now. I hate Tijuana and what it has become for honest bodybuilders. It's really sad.
    "Your freedom is in my hands." I had a bad time in TJ, but it ended quite a bit worse than your story. If you think the pharmacies are bad in TJ though, Mexicalli and San Luis make TJ's operation seem legit. I wouldn't even bother going down there unless you are from or have a friend that came from there.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 01-28-2011 at 04:59 PM.

  37. #37
    cro's Avatar
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    tj is a drug war zone just waiting 4 you bud.
    Quote Originally Posted by vegas702 View Post
    There is 2 vet supply business on the main street in TJ has anyone ever bought fake gear there????????????

  38. #38
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Remember we are talking about the same people who invented the crime of stealing copper condensors out of air conditioners, gutters and downspouts off houses and catalytic converters off of vehicles all at occupied houses while gringos are sleeping inside....Yes they will go to any lengths to cheat you out of 50 centavos....

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