which Testosterone would be best for less water retantion DONT WANT TO GET BLOADED or is there something i can take with test to cut water retantion
which Testosterone would be best for less water retantion DONT WANT TO GET BLOADED or is there something i can take with test to cut water retantion
Nolva and Proviron cut water retention greatly.
Testosterone Propionate.
so i take nolva "and" Proviron at what dosage?
as nyc bigmike started nolva and proviron will combat any water you may get from test, testosterone undecanoate, testosterone propionate are both good test for low water bloatOriginally Posted by jacked4life
nolva 20 mgs a day, Proviron 50 mgs a day.
testosterona propionate combined with an AI. such as ldex or letro. nolva will only combat water slitely in my experience
nolva 20 mgs a day, Proviron 50 mgs a day. during the whole cycle? every day
prop makes me bloat big time. but the one time I ran it by itself I was drinking heavy and eating crap. you know what will keep bloat problems to a min? diet.
less sodium and stuff?
Prop never made me bloat. Iam sensitive to gyno problems, with prop I never had this problem with enanthate I have problem from 500mg/week. So for me is propionate first choice. I personaly will never run long esters of test. Now Iam ending cycle with prop, first few weeks I was cutting and than stop diet and eat like a horseAfter 4 weeks I gained 16lbs with minimal fat change, just on propionate 50EOD with 50ED var. When I started with cycle I was 196lbs 11%BF after cutting (6wks) I was 198lbs and 5%BF now Iam 214lbs with 8%BF.
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