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Thread: Problem with Clomid and Nolva!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Northern Europe

    Arrow Problem with Clomid and Nolva!

    I'm just about to start my 4 week PCT of Clomid (150/100/50/50) and Nolvadex (40/20/20/20) after Test E and EQ cycle, so I have some questions.

    (1) When should Clomid and Nolvadex be administered? In the morning, noon or evening? On empty stomach or after the meal?

    (2) Can Clomid and Nolvadex be administered together? For example taking 2 tabs of Clomid and 2 tabs of Nolva in the same time (4 tabs with one choke down).

    (3) I also have injected HGH at 4 iu/day for about 4 months and would like to keep using it. Does using HGH while I have PCT interfere somehow the PCT's results?

    Sorry for my bad english. And thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by KaevurMati
    I'm just about to start my 4 week PCT of Clomid (150/100/50/50) and Nolvadex (40/20/20/20) after Test E and EQ cycle, so I have some questions.

    (1) When should Clomid and Nolvadex be administered? In the morning, noon or evening? On empty stomach or after the meal? ANY TIME

    (2) Can Clomid and Nolvadex be administered together? For example taking 2 tabs of Clomid and 2 tabs of Nolva in the same time (4 tabs with one choke down). YES

    (3) I also have injected HGH at 4 iu/day for about 4 months and would like to keep using it. Does using HGH while I have PCT interfere somehow the PCT's results? NO IT DOSE NOT IT WILL HELP WITH PCT

    Sorry for my bad english. And thanks in advance!

    read the cap's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why are you guys still using clomid and nolva together? Nolva is more effective than clomid for PCT. Just use the Nolva

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Why are you guys still using clomid and nolva together? Nolva is more effective than clomid for PCT. Just use the Nolva
    What is your suggestion for just nolva?
    I am currently taking 55 mg nolva ed for pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Northern Europe
    Can someone just answer the questions I asked?

    The most important thing is.. Does HGH interfere the results of PCT??

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    Why are you guys still using clomid and nolva together? Nolva is more effective than clomid for PCT. Just use the Nolva

    IMO, thats not true. The clomid/nolva combo has always brought me back much quicker than nolva alone.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaevurMati
    Can someone just answer the questions I asked?

    The most important thing is.. Does HGH interfere the results of PCT??

    read my post bro i've telt you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    No HGH does not interfere at all why would it? it doesnt have anything to do with pct. And why are you using clomid and Nolva not only you but everyone on this board needs to no you need to take hcg for pct. you can take clomid and nolva with the hcg clomid alone wont work and just nolva wont work. A lot of people say that hcg and clomid is wrong-----they are completely wrong you need to get your natty test levels to accelerate

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    No HGH does not interfere at all why would it? it doesnt have anything to do with pct. And why are you using clomid and Nolva not only you but everyone on this board needs to no you need to take hcg for pct. you can take clomid and nolva with the hcg clomid alone wont work and just nolva wont work. A lot of people say that hcg and clomid is wrong-----they are completely wrong you need to get your natty test levels to accelerate

    HCG is not a must clomid and or nolve by itself is perfectly fine for pct i use a clomid nolva and l-dex pct never used hcg and i have alway's recoverd explain that ?

  10. #10
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    Nov 2005
    and you can take any of these thing at anytime during the day and on an empty stomach or full and you can take them together but you would want to spred things out, that is just common sense for example if it was a 100mg clomid day then take one pill in the morning one at night

  11. #11
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    HCG is not a must clomid and or nolve by itself is perfectly fine for pct i use a clomid nolva and l-dex pct never used hcg and i have alway's recoverd explain that ?

    It is just like when you take hcg in the middle of your cycle well you are supposed to atleast and why do you do that is because your natural test levels are shut down just like at the end of the cycle it is shut down so you take clomid and hcg together these together raise natural test levels and bing hormone level back to normal

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    and you can take any of these thing at anytime during the day and on an empty stomach or full and you can take them together but you would want to spred things out, that is just common sense for example if it was a 100mg clomid day then take one pill in the morning one at night

    why do you have to split the dose with clomid the half life is long enough to take all your clomid and or nolva at the same time ??????

  13. #13
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    Nov 2005
    if you dont believe me then call an HRT company. This is what a doctor himself told me.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    It is just like when you take hcg in the middle of your cycle well you are supposed to atleast and why do you do that is because your natural test levels are shut down just like at the end of the cycle it is shut down so you take clomid and hcg together these together raise natural test levels and bing hormone level back to normal

    no you don't bro you run HCG during the cycle and at the end leading upto pct you don't take clomid and HCG at the same time where are you gettin your info from

  15. #15
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    why do you have to split the dose with clomid the half life is long enough to take all your clomid and or nolva at the same time ??????
    Well i am saying for instance like my pills they are 50 mg. Why take them at the same time when you can split it up, it is all the same time. I guess you could take it all at the same time doesnt really matter. The way you take clomid is a week after last injection of whatever it may be you take 150mg first day 100mg for 13days and the 50 mg for like 11 days that is the correct way to take it. And the hcg you start a week after last injection to 1,000 units for ten days. That is the correct way to do it try it this way and I guarantee your levels will be back up faster and better then that nolva shit IMO and my doctors done it this way for years now

  16. #16
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    no you don't bro you run HCG during the cycle and at the end leading upto pct you don't take clomid and HCG at the same time where are you gettin your info from

    Where are you getting your info from the guys on this board not all of these guys no everything, to tell you the truth i don't care if you believe me or not

  17. #17
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    Nov 2005
    And I get it from a doctor who used t obe a heart surgeon and now specializes in HRT

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    Well i am saying for instance like my pills they are 50 mg. Why take them at the same time when you can split it up, it is all the same time. I guess you could take it all at the same time doesnt really matter. The way you take clomid is a week after last injection of whatever it may be you take 150mg first day 100mg for 13days and the 50 mg for like 11 days that is the correct way to take it. And the hcg you start a week after last injection to 1,000 units for ten days. That is the correct way to do it try it this way and I guarantee your levels will be back up faster and better then that nolva shit IMO and my doctors done it this way for years now

    so your telling me that what ever compound you run you start PCT a week after LMFAO

    are you for real bro or is this a piss take ????

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    And I get it from a doctor who used t obe a heart surgeon and now specializes in HRT
    well tell your doc STOCKY121 AKA the total package said he ain't got a clue

    if your running HRT you don't need pct

  20. #20
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    Nov 2005
    The reason you take it a week after you last injection is then you catch your test levels when they are falling, not when your still taking test

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    The reason you take it a week after you last injection is then you catch your test levels when they are falling, not when your still taking test
    i know you take it after but what about the ester of test your running

    test prop PCT start time 3 day's
    test e PCT start time 14 day's
    test C PCT start time 18 day's
    sust PCT start time 21 day's

    my advice to you is read up a little before you go running your mouth

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yes you still have to run HCG if your on HRT just because you are on hrt doesnt mean that you dont ever come off are you for real hrt doesnt mean you take test all year round and don't get offensive bro trying to have an adult conversation I listen to what you have to say everybody to tell you the truth has different opinions on pct but I know I am doing it right because I dont just listen to the doctor I get blood tests take every two months, I don't just listen to doc I get my shit checked, sorry KAEVURMATI for ste****g your thread

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    Yes you still have to run HCG if your on HRT just because you are on hrt doesnt mean that you dont ever come off are you for real hrt doesnt mean you take test all year round and don't get offensive bro trying to have an adult conversation I listen to what you have to say everybody to tell you the truth has different opinions on pct but I know I am doing it right because I dont just listen to the doctor I get blood tests take every two months, I don't just listen to doc I get my shit checked, sorry KAEVURMATI for ste****g your thread

    i wasent getting offensive but everything your saying is wrong

    if your on HRT your natural test level's are low that's why you get put on HRT only to replace what test you've lost so yes you do stop on HRT for year longer if need's be

  24. #24
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    My advice to you is not to listen to everybody on this board

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    My advice to you is not to listen to everybody on this board

    and my advice to you is don't listen to you doc

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I dont think you know at all what HRT clinics do at all, do they even have them their in England

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    I am done with this have a good day man

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    I dont think you know at all what HRT clinics do at all, do they even have them their in England

    i don't know if thay have them here in england sorry

    but if you are on proper HRT it's because you have low test level's and you get pescribed test at a replacment dose to help you out so to speek

    you don't get put on HRT to become a bodybuilder

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    UK, Lancashire
    Whats going on here?

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    listen to stocky mr shred your doctor may not know everythin he should about the compounds that we use for pct,most tests have different active lives and you would normally start pct once they are out of your system,most tests apart from prop take 14-21 days to clear,its not worth takin your clomid untill its clear,you can take hcg however in the time between the last shot leadin upto the start of clomid therapy.go to the pct forum and have a good read up on all the info.

  31. #31
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    Nov 2005
    Im back, wait youy said you dont have them their and then you said if you are on proper hrt bla bla bla
    No matter if you are on hrt or Cycling either or you are still coming off. Yes if you are running Prop alone then you would start PCT three days after last injection
    No matter what doses your taking or for hrt in this case you still need to take hcg and clomid that is the best way to do it period

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    listen to stocky mr shred your doctor may not know everythin he should about the compounds that we use for pct,most tests have different active lives and you would normally start pct once they are out of your system,most tests apart from prop take 14-21 days to clear,its not worth takin your clomid untill its clear,you can take hcg however in the time between the last shot leadin upto the start of clomid therapy.go to the pct forum and have a good read up on all the info.

    That is what i am saying

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    That is what i am saying

    your agreeing with him and he's just saying what i said

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    N he is really not

  35. #35
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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JR.SHRED
    N he is really not

    i'am sorry bro but if you go back and read all my posts yes he is

    come on booz chime in again

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    all that i am sayin is that you can use the hcg in the time between the last test jab upto the start of clomid therapy,not together at the same time only in those couple of weeks.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    This is all i am saying you start HCG/Clomid this long after these compounds

    Cypionate-14-16 days
    Sustanon-19-21 days
    So on and so on

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    no you don't bro you run HCG during the cycle and at the end leading upto pct you don't take clomid and HCG at the same time where are you gettin your info from


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Imo opinion you start clomid and hcg together because the hcg jump start your test level while the clomid raises it slowly so by the time that you are done with the hcg the clomid will have stabilized your test level

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