I will be starting my cycle right away and will be using decca. I was wondering if its ok to shoot 300mg-400mg @ once or if I should split them up.
I will be starting my cycle right away and will be using decca. I was wondering if its ok to shoot 300mg-400mg @ once or if I should split them up.
the dosage is not in question yet...what else are you using with the deca and for how long?
the cycle is 10wks long. It has Prop. suspension, dbol, tren and decca in it. the decca is ran for 9 weeks.
Im taking it that this is not your first cycle right?Originally Posted by lifter76
tren and deca.. hmm not usually recommended.. I would go with tren a and prop alone. drop the dbol and deca IMO..
well it's for a powerlifting meet so power is the key hear so tren will be staying. This is my fourth time around.
I wouldnt drop the tren either.. thats why i suggested tren and prop. throw in the dbol to for strength i guess then..
so would it be cool to shoot all 300mg or 400mg of decca in one day or should I split it up. Say Monday and Thursday?
300 at one time should be fine IMHO...jus remember to add the ED/EOD prop right so are runnin it higher then the decca and tren...
split the deca up since the other compounds have to be split up also.. you got prop in there which needs to be shot ed or eod..
yeah and make sure test dosage is higher than the deca because deca shuts you down and take test 2 weeks longer than the deca.
If you want power use Tren, test E, and Abomb.. 100 mg ed for 5 weeks.. you will get power =)
Thanks Bro
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