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Thread: next cycle blueprint (test/eq/tren)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    south england

    next cycle blueprint (test/eq/tren)

    this will be my 3rd, 1st was dbol only, 2nd was test/eq/dbol.. had a few problems from the dbol on the 2nd (gyno and BP) and ended up turning it into a cutter due to putting weight on so fast

    body recomposition (lean mass) cycle

    weeks 1-10: Test Enan 250mg/wk
    weeks 1-9: Equipoise 600mg/wk
    weeks 1-4: Oral Turinabol 40mg/ed
    weeks 8-12: Tren Ace 75mg/eod OR masteron 100mg/eod (depending on how brave i'm feeling!)
    weeks 1-7: Adex 0.5mg/eod
    weeks 8-12: Proviron 25mg/eod
    weeks 3-12: HCG 500iu x2/wk
    weeks 7-12: T3 (wronguns' 6wk taper)
    weeks 13-17: Nolva PCT

    the reason for the lower dose of test is due to my gyno problems on my past 2 cycles, i don't really want to take any chances with it this cycle, if i have a G-free cycle this time round then next time maybe i can try a higher dose

    the tren i am still very unsure about, i need to do more research on that, but if i don't go with the tren its quite likely i will run masteron instead to harden up towards the end of the course, hence the addition of the t3

    any thoughts or recommendations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    I think tren can give u gyno issues also... just different kind of gyno then test...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    very odd cycle with tren a for only 4 weeks at the end and also eq isnt run long enough IMO.. i dont see results til week 9..

  4. #4
    i'd do 500mg test, 300-400mg eq. the proviron should take care of the aromatization you're worried about.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    south england
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    very odd cycle with tren a for only 4 weeks at the end
    true, do you feel the tren should be ran earlier, and/or for a different duration then?

    and also eq isnt run long enough IMO.. i dont see results til week 9..
    well i don't want to go over 12 weeks for the cycle, i'm probably going to be using the cyp ester so hopefully i'll notice it a bit before week 9!

    sorry, why is it odd? just due to the tren? it looks quite straightforward to me, test/eq base, OT kickstart, tren/t3 to harden up at the end, hcg and AI's for testicular and gyno protection, how would you run it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    south england
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    I think tren can give u gyno issues also... just different kind of gyno then test...
    yes i'm aware of that, you can get gyno through progestrins, like i said i still need to look into it, but if i do go with the tren i will have dost and/or bromo on hand to deal with that should it arise, if not i can simply drop it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    south england
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieM.
    i'd do 500mg test, 300-400mg eq. the proviron should take care of the aromatization you're worried about.
    500mg/wk of test is very risky IMO, infact its too risky, i'd rather be skinny that have gyno bro, its really not a nice thing! 250mg/wk is still over twice what my body would normally produce, plus i'm on hcg to prevent natural test shutdown, so its almoast like i'll be on closer to 350mg/wk, thats plenty i think, the real muscle in the cycle is going to be coming from the EQ the tbol and the tren

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Godfather
    true, do you feel the tren should be ran earlier, and/or for a different duration then?

    well i don't want to go over 12 weeks for the cycle, i'm probably going to be using the cyp ester so hopefully i'll notice it a bit before week 9!

    sorry, why is it odd? just due to the tren? it looks quite straightforward to me, test/eq base, OT kickstart, tren/t3 to harden up at the end, hcg and AI's for testicular and gyno protection, how would you run it?
    really the tren is odd..I would run the tren 1-9 for best results. tren a usually suggested to go 10 weeks max and 8 weeks minimum. if you are going with cyp go 1-12 with cyp and eq.. that should do you nice. IMO.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    south england
    okay i don't think i'm going to go with the tren now, i've just done some more research on it and it sounds like i have no business running that compound, (just sounds too strong and too toxic, i'd rather stick to milder roids that will yield steady lasting gains)

    so here is the blueprint 2:

    weeks 1-10: Test Enan 300/wk
    weeks 1-9: Equipoise 600/wk
    weeks 1-4: Oral Turinabol 40mg/ed
    weeks 8-12: Masteron 100mg/eod (depending on how brave i'm feeling!)
    weeks 1-7: Adex 0.5mg/eod
    weeks 8-12: Proviron 25mg/eod
    weeks 3-12: HCG 500iu x2/wk
    weeks 7-12: T3 (wronguns' 6wk taper)
    weeks 13-17: Nolva PCT

    OR, i might opt for something shorter:

    weeks 1-8: Test Prop 75mg/eod
    weeks 1-6: Equipoise Cyp 800mg/wk
    weeks 1-6: Oral Turinabol 40mg/ed
    weeks 5-8: Masteron
    weeks 1-10: Adex 0.5mg/eod
    weeks 5-8: Proviron 25mg/eod
    weeks 2-8: HCG 500iu x2/wk
    weeks 9-12: Nolva PCT

    any thoughts on them? how does that 2nd one look? i know 6 weeks is a bit short for cyp, hence the higher dose

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