i'm fixin to do a mild off-season bulker- i don't want to get too heavy 'cause i'm already borderline with the amount of time i'm gonna have to get in contest shape. i'm 19, 255 at about 10%bf. i'm gonna try to stay under 270 while on the slin just cause i don't like gettin that heavy(i did it once before and had a lot of problems). growth, slin, and d-bol are all ran 5on/2off.
sustanon 500mg/week--weeks 1-10
deca 200mg/week------weeks 1-10
proviron 25mg/day------weeks 1-10
d-bol 25mg/day--------weeks 1-4
insulin 7i.u./day---------weeks 1-4
hgh 4i.u./day-----------weeks 1-10
i appreciate any comments