Height:6 ft
Weight: 215-225
BF%: Approx. 20%
years training: since 17 never off for longer than 2 months at the most.
Current training regimen:
mon-squats/SLDL/Leg ext/leg curls/crunches
wed-dumbell Press/inc db press/DB shoulder press/laterals/ shrugs/ Overhead DB ext/skullcrushers
fri-bb rows/pulldowns/DB curls/hammer curls/wrist curls/crunches
Planned Cycle:
Test Cyp. 10 weeks @ 500mg a week
injection on thursdays/sundays
18 days after last injection
Nolva 4 weeks 60/40/20/10
Clomid day1-300mg/day2-200mg/day3-100/50mg for rest of week adn if needed thereafter
1. I will be getting enough nolva to run 10mg ed for 3 months, this should be enough? I aint good at math...
2.SHould i really get the clomid too? I forget where the thread was here but, I remember it basiclaly said nolva was the same if not better.
3.I want to be very cautious of gyno so should the nolva be taken DURING cycle? Is it true that this could potentially lessen my gains?
4. How much should I up my lifting plans? still dont wanna overtrain.
5.WIll be getting blood work done before and after PCT, correct times?
6.How much cardio should i include while on to keep my heart as healthy as possible, without giving me a heart attack?
7. what guage pins etc will I need for shots and where do you recomend for shots? I dont wanna be crippled for the first few weeks if I can avoid it.
8. a 10 week cycle aint too little for the cyp right?
any advice is greatly appreciated as always.
Thank you.