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Thread: Enanthate, Propionate, Cypionate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Enanthate, Propionate, Cypionate?

    What are the advantages to each? I have used enanthate in the past, and was very pleased, but i am having some trouble getting it now, would prop and cypionate have basically the same results? I am planning to stack with Equipose, and of course proper PCT.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    e and cyp are very similar. prop is much faster acting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    prop is taken more frequently since its faster acting... you see results quicker then Enth or Cyp since they are longer acting esters... EQ is longer also it increase your appetite which will help you grow
    you can run test c for 12 weeks 500mg weekly
    EQ for 11 weeks 400mg weekly
    since test-c won't kick in until week 4 or 5 depending on the person
    you can use test-p for week 1 to week 4... but injecting more frequently then test-c

  4. #4
    like stated above only differece is ester, so i'd do the cypionate for what you're fixin to do. propionate is better suited for using before you're fixin to get lean, ideally at the beginning of a cutting cycle.

  5. #5
    cypionate works in place of ethanate cause there the same basically just some say theres a little more water retention with cypionate.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Prop will also give less water bloat. thst is why people like to run it in cutting and lean mass cycles.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    Prop gets the most test in your system per 100mg, after the ester is cleaved off by your body, then Enanthate and Cyp is the lowest of the 3 you mentioned and will take the longest to get in your system.
    Here are the #s:

    "The following is the amount (in grams) of testosterone per 100mg of finished compound.
    Testosterone Cypionate: 70mg
    Testosterone Decanoate: 65mg
    Testosterone Enantate: 72mg
    Testosterone Isocaproate: 75mg
    Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 69mg
    Testosterone Propionate: 84mg
    Testosterone Suspension: 100mg
    Testosterone Undecanoate: 63mg "

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulieM.
    like stated above only differece is ester, so i'd do the cypionate for what you're fixin to do. propionate is better suited for using before you're fixin to get lean, ideally at the beginning of a cutting cycle.
    Prop is also good at the beginning and end of a cycle.
    1) beginning...good to add the first two weeks along with the Cyp or e to get it in the system quicker
    2) If you drop the cyp or e and use prop the last two weeks of your cycle, can start PCT sooner

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