Ok, so ive been on 500mcgs test prop and 400mcgs eq eod for about 9 weeks now, about two weeks ago i added 125 mcgs eod of injectable winny, two day ago i took my shot with all three 1.5cc of prop, 1 cc of eq and 1 cc of winny. I did inject pretty fast because of an incident wich forced me to rush. I think i did it in about 10 seconds maybee a little more. Anyways yesterday it hurt like a bitch, i mean it effected my sleep and i was forced to sit on my left ass cheek when ever i sat down. today it is still about the same. It is swolen up just as much if no more then yesterday. It is very noticable. I was woundering if i had an infection, because my friend knee swole up about a week ago, went to the doctor and thats what they said was wrong with him. or is this just what winny and prop will do to you.
Please help, never ran winny or prop before, 3rd cycle though, Anything Helps Thanks