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Thread: DEcA! and EQ!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    DEcA! and EQ!

    Hi all,

    I ve made my own research about Deca and EQ, i want to come back on the subject: EQ stronger than Deca

    EQ is better for cutting

    Deca is better for bulking but it can be use for cutting with less vascularity then EQ

    I ve often read people saying DECA is overrated because EQ simply cut more than DECA.
    DECA have the advantage to protect the joints better than EQ.

    About the vascularity that people obtain with EQ and not with the DECA becuz of the bloat i was wondering if in adding Proviron&Nolva or a bit of Femara or aromasin, it could finally give the same appearrance than a cycle TEST/EQ.

    thx all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    stack test deca and eq. some may say they dont like it, but personally, i love it. the vascularity, plus the bulk. awesome. i know its not healthy and by NO MEANS AM I GIVING IN TO IT. but there are people at my gym swearing with deca and eq stacks alone without test, and their physiques are the best in the gym handsdown.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I have a friend with an amazing built that use only Winstrol. He told me and i believe that Test will shut me down too, then, why not use a steroid alone..

    People recommend Test in each cyle but even on Novice cycle they advice a Stack Equipoise winstrol...

    There is something behind the test.. it is a X file the truth is elsewhere...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in your beezy's vagina
    Quote Originally Posted by zomzom
    I have a friend with an amazing built that use only Winstrol. He told me and i believe that Test will shut me down too, then, why not use a steroid alone..

    People recommend Test in each cyle but even on Novice cycle they advice a Stack Equipoise winstrol...

    There is something behind the test.. it is a X file the truth is elsewhere...
    wtf what your saying makes no sense, deca will shut u down harder than test so running test with it will not cause any increase in shutdown, and eq and test are pretty similar in shutdown abilities, yes test alone will shut u down but if your running something else that will already shut u down why not add test to it ? its not gonna shut u down any worse u can only be shutdown so much, and all roids will shut u down, thats just what happens when you rely on exogenous hormones instead of your own

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin?
    stack test deca and eq. some may say they dont like it, but personally, i love it. the vascularity, plus the bulk. awesome. i know its not healthy and by NO MEANS AM I GIVING IN TO IT. but there are people at my gym swearing with deca and eq stacks alone without test, and their physiques are the best in the gym handsdown.
    Why isn't it healthy? I feel by combing the two you're getting the mass,lubrication from deca and vascularity,increase appetite from eq along with the easier retainable gains that EQ also gives you. They are two completely different compounds and if used together they do completely different things. I'm going to be using deca and eq in my upcoming cycle together for the first time after finally deciding to use them both together. Alot of people have had nothing but lots of great things to say about this stack. I think EQ and Deca when ran together can compliment each other well.

    Test 600mg 1-15
    EQ 500mg 1-14
    Deca 400mg 1-13
    Last edited by Smak; 12-14-2005 at 11:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    wtf what your saying makes no sense, deca will shut u down harder than test so running test with it will not cause any increase in shutdown, and eq and test are pretty similar in shutdown abilities, yes test alone will shut u down but if your running something else that will already shut u down why not add test to it ? its not gonna shut u down any worse u can only be shutdown so much, and all roids will shut u down, thats just what happens when you rely on exogenous hormones instead of your own
    I agree i ve understand all about the test when reading all the L.Rea articles on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    696 what i said again,,work on ur reading comprehension skills....

    i said running deca eq solo...

    did i say deca eq test? no...if u read the whole thread i mentioned up top i ran deca test and eq, loved it and reccomended it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    How about d-bol week 1-4 with that cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin? what i said again,,work on ur reading comprehension skills....

    i said running deca eq solo...

    did i say deca eq test? no...if u read the whole thread i mentioned up top i ran deca test and eq, loved it and reccomended it.
    Oh mah bad, I thought you said that running EQ and Deca TOGETHER wasn't healthy. You were meaning EQ and Deca by itself. Gotcha.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    its ok , im sorry if i came off as an asshole. im just kinda irratated right now, cause lately ive been trying to help people out and they have been jumping to conclusions and being complete d*cks about it when all ive been trying to is counsel them with good information. i appreciate ur courtesy though. i really do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by Got Insulin?
    its ok , im sorry if i came off as an asshole. im just kinda irratated right now, cause lately ive been trying to help people out and they have been jumping to conclusions and being complete d*cks about it when all ive been trying to is counsel them with good information. i appreciate ur courtesy though. i really do.
    No problem cuz. I feel ya.

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