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Thread: Hey, started my first cycle

  1. #1

    Hey, started my first cycle

    Hello , I have a few questions. First of all i have begun my cycle. So far I've taken 2 shots of test enan over 2 weeks as well as 30 mg dbol. The first shot into the glute I was nervous but it went great i wasn't even sore or anything. I have already noticed small strength gains at the gym. Anyways my second injection which was 2 days ago went pretty good. I worked legs later that night of the injection. The next day as well as today my glute is really sore and its a little swollen ( im thinking maybe i didn't get it deep enough? ... i have 1 ince needle and im not that big ) but i was just wondering if this will shortly go away or if i have a problem. Its not that painful or anything it just hurt when going up stair/laying down.

    My next question is about my cycle. I have a months worth of dbol however i have 1 bottle of test enan (10 ml , 250mg per ml) ... the standerd is 2 a week but that would only give me 5 weeks ... the first 2 shots i took i did once a week but thats only 250mg a week so im thinking maybe its not enough. But im no professional so thats why im asking you guys to help me out. Myabe once every 5 days or something?

    Any my last question is about pct, is clomid sold over the counter anywhere, and if not, are there any options where i can buy something over the counter at a store or something?

    Last edited by x26bjx; 12-13-2005 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Answer to Question 1. You should use 1.5" in the Glute and 1" in the quad.

    Question 2. 5 weeks is not long enough for a cycle IMO, you need to do at least 10 weeks. 250 mg a week for 10 weeks may be enough to some good gains, there are quite a few guys here who belive in doing low doses. But having said that I personally think you should get more Test and do 500mg for 10 weeks. You should have asked these questions before you started the cycle bro !!! I dont live in the US but I dont think Clomid and Nolva are sold over the counter, you can get if from the net here though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    balz deep in jessica alba
    so you started a cycle without all your gear and no pct. and took 30mg of dbol the first week. i would say cut your loses use the search button look for "first cycle". make sure your diet is in check. not flameing. jmo

  4. #4
    30mg a day , mb

  5. #5
    well i don't really wanna do 500 a week, im content with a bit less gains with 250 a week if that will be profitable. And yeah i know i shouldn't but i figure i have 10 weeks to get pct ... and i live in canada btw, thanks for the responses so far

  6. #6

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