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Thread: My Nuts Gone For Good???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    My Nuts Gone For Good???

    I'm at week two running this cycle:

    Test Enan @ 600mg/week for weeks 1-13 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs
    EQ @ 600mg week 1-12 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs (mixed in with Test Enan)
    Test Prop @ 150mg/EOD weeks 1-4 and weeks 14-15
    (reduces injections = reduces "pain in the ass")

    Nolva @ 40mg ED for weeks 16-17
    Nolva @ 20mg ED for weeks 18-19
    Clomid @ 200mg first 2 days, then @ 100mg for the 3.5 weeks

    My question is, when will my testicles atrophy and is this a big problem? You search around for answers on any board and you dig up horror stories. I was looking for some reassurance, but found two stories about a guy who had to rely on injections to keep nut size and a guy who had one good ball... and one peanut. That honestly scares me, and I realize that off-cycle thinking about it is easier than on-cycle worrying about it.

    Any thoughts guys? I get a tingling once in a while, but coincidently, it's when I'm thinking about them "being the size of raisins." You see what I've got for PCT, but is there anything I'm missing? I'm not running HCG right now, but I could purchase some Tribulus for an addition to PCT? Bottom line... will my nuts be gone forever after this cycle using this PCT?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Eventually they have always ragained there former size for me. I also run hcg the last 3 wks of my cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    no they should be fine...clomid always lowers mine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thank you all very much for the fast replies and reassurance. Another thing that just popped into my head... when do you usually see the worst damage possible? By that, I mean when are they at their smallest? I'd think running TEST PROP would've hit them by now (5th inj. tomorrow night) but they've only shrunk a couple MM if at all. Also, when people say "raisins" or "peanuts" can they really get THAT small? Should I expect such a strong blow running EQ (have never heard of EQ doing damage...) and some Testosterone? Thanks again for all the quick responses and support.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    you might not shrink too bad actually....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    I myself have been told to run that EQ at a lower dose than the Test. I run test 700 per and EQ 500 per week. You may wanna search on that.
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    I'm at week two running this cycle:

    Test Enan @ 600mg/week for weeks 1-13 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs
    EQ @ 600mg week 1-12 x 2 injections on Mon & Thurs (mixed in with Test Enan)
    Test Prop @ 150mg/EOD weeks 1-4 and weeks 14-15
    (reduces injections = reduces "pain in the ass")

    Nolva @ 40mg ED for weeks 16-17
    Nolva @ 20mg ED for weeks 18-19
    Clomid @ 200mg first 2 days, then @ 100mg for the 3.5 weeks

    My question is, when will my testicles atrophy and is this a big problem? You search around for answers on any board and you dig up horror stories. I was looking for some reassurance, but found two stories about a guy who had to rely on injections to keep nut size and a guy who had one good ball... and one peanut. That honestly scares me, and I realize that off-cycle thinking about it is easier than on-cycle worrying about it.

    Any thoughts guys? I get a tingling once in a while, but coincidently, it's when I'm thinking about them "being the size of raisins." You see what I've got for PCT, but is there anything I'm missing? I'm not running HCG right now, but I could purchase some Tribulus for an addition to PCT? Bottom line... will my nuts be gone forever after this cycle using this PCT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    some people's dont shrink much at all on cycle...who wants huge ones anyways?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    Thank you all very much for the fast replies and reassurance. Another thing that just popped into my head... when do you usually see the worst damage possible? By that, I mean when are they at their smallest? I'd think running TEST PROP would've hit them by now (5th inj. tomorrow night) but they've only shrunk a couple MM if at all. Also, when people say "raisins" or "peanuts" can they really get THAT small? Should I expect such a strong blow running EQ (have never heard of EQ doing damage...) and some Testosterone? Thanks again for all the quick responses and support.

    Yeah, they get pretty damn small but like I said they should come back.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Yeah, they get pretty damn small but like I said they should come back.
    Heheh, thanks for the honesty bro. Just out of curiosity, is there anything I should look out for? Any problems that you've run into in the past? One of the things I was wondering about... has anyone here ever had a REAL problem getting them to come back? I mean past a month or so, and STILL raisin-sized? If so, anything you did wrong or should've done differently?

    I've read all the posts after using the ol' SEARCH button, but I got fed up of hearing scary sh*t and wanted to post MY scenario and ask about MY risks. Thanks once again.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    they are going to be gone forever!!!!!!!!

    nah just playin, yeah they can get real small but,with proper pct and time off they will come back.

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