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Thread: Newbie on his 1st Cycle

  1. #1

    Newbie on his 1st Cycle

    Hi, all.

    i currently have these roids wif me:
    sust250 x 8bottles
    stanozolol x 40ml
    dbol x 100tabs

    Im currently on a cycle:

    sustanon x 250mg every 10days
    dbol 20mg daily

    Ive currently gone thru a month with oredi sust 250 x 4 been injected. now, im feelin pain on both my tits, and puffiness too. im afraid it may be Gyno????
    I will be gettin nolvadex asap, and will consume 20mg daily.

    i will continued will my remaining 4 bottles of sust for a month. after which i will proceed to my cutting cycle of stanozolol for 2 mths.

    when shld i start my clomid? after my sust or stanozolol cycle? pls point out any mistakes that i had or will be making. Thx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by frezhman
    Hi, all.

    i currently have these roids wif me:
    sust250 x 8bottles
    stanozolol x 40ml
    dbol x 100tabs

    Im currently on a cycle:

    sustanon x 250mg every 10days
    dbol 20mg daily

    Ive currently gone thru a month with oredi sust 250 x 4 been injected. now, im feelin pain on both my tits, and puffiness too. im afraid it may be Gyno????
    I will be gettin nolvadex asap, and will consume 20mg daily.

    i will continued will my remaining 4 bottles of sust for a month. after which i will proceed to my cutting cycle of stanozolol for 2 mths.

    when shld i start my clomid? after my sust or stanozolol cycle? pls point out any mistakes that i had or will be making. Thx
    not researching before starting your first cycle was the first mistake. Taking 3 compounds in your first cycle is the next. So now you may be getting gyno and you dont know what caused it? Is the sust or the dbol or both? You dont know, which is why you should only run test in your first cycle. Not having anti e's on hand before starting is another mistake. Not taking sust correctly is another. Sustanon needs to be shot at least every other day to keep blood levels constant and take advantage of the short acting prop ester in it. I would suggest at least twice a week injections for sust at a minimum. Keeping blood levels constant reduces sides too (i.e. gyno) I would not take the winny this cycle either. Save it for another time and do it correctly. PCT w/ nolva and clomid should start 18 days after last shot of sust.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    not researching before starting your first cycle was the first mistake. Taking 3 compounds in your first cycle is the next. So now you may be getting gyno and you dont know what caused it? Is the sust or the dbol or both? You dont know, which is why you should only run test in your first cycle. Not having anti e's on hand before starting is another mistake. Not taking sust correctly is another. Sustanon needs to be shot at least every other day to keep blood levels constant and take advantage of the short acting prop ester in it. I would suggest at least twice a week injections for sust at a minimum. Keeping blood levels constant reduces sides too (i.e. gyno) I would not take the winny this cycle either. Save it for another time and do it correctly. PCT w/ nolva and clomid should start 18 days after last shot of sust.
    I agree, yopu ask afetr the fact, not a good idea. Sus has to be the worst test there is, doing it eod doesn't even help, there's not enough prop in it to do anything, 30mg of prop done ed, isn't going to do much. 500mg of sus a week is what you should be doing, save the orals for down the road and 2 orals in one cycle, is another mistake, think about your liver


  4. #4
    thnx all for ur replies...

    let me elaborate more on my cycle...

    i had reseach 6mths b4 i came to conclude sustanon250 is a gd begineer roids. my research is from sites, my own fren & personal trainers.

    sust250 x 8 (to be taken every 10days)
    stanozolol (winstrol depot) 2 bottles x 20mg (to be taken after sust cycle)

    i took dbol after 2 wks into the cycle. its only after a mth thru da cycle that i felt burning sensations in my tits. im into my 5th sust already. (1.5mths)

    i was informed to take nolvadex when burning sensation is felt ard the tits. also, after the cycle, to take clomid for 10-15days.

    i do made my research as i, a begineer, was afraid of the side effects.

  5. #5
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    Beyond Swole
    Let me reiterate...........your cycle sucks, and you were stupid not to have done research before hand. Your claimed research showed you nothing, your friends and the personal trainer know nothing as well. Keep playing with fire, you can join the long list of people who didnt listen.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Let me reiterate...........your cycle sucks, and you were stupid not to have done research before hand. Your claimed research showed you nothing, your friends and the personal trainer know nothing as well. Keep playing with fire, you can join the long list of people who didnt listen.
    couldnt of put it better myself....nicely put!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Can I ask why so many of you say this is a cycle for a first time? And why is sus so bad?

    I myself are new to this, and I have done loads of research from the net and also from word of mouth. If this is so bad, can people stop just saying your on a crap cycle or wahtever, and actually explain themselves.

    I say this, cos from all the stuff i've read etc, I seem to be following a simular course, just without dbol. 1 sus250 every week for 10 weeks, then for the last 4 weeks, winstrol tabs 3x 10mg a day.

    If it is crap I wanna know, and can someone suggest a better alternative?

  8. #8
    i believe stupot n me r in the same boat. i wun jump into steroids w/o knowin anthin cuz everyone know roids have nasty side effects if u dun noe them.

    i search lotsa site.. believe me. i cant undo what i did wif my cycle. my tits is sore n puffy now, n i felt a tiny lump under my left tits. i hope 1 month of sust and 2 wks of dbol dat i did dun cause major gyno issues. i will be takin nolvadex n proviron now, hopin to reduce the soreness of my tits. (i pray that its reversible)

    marcus300, i never wanted to play wif fire. i gather knowledge from my experience bodybuilder frens, reading thru magazines and the net.

    everyday, im learnin new stuffz abt bodybuilding. i have been carryin weights for 5 yrs, n only know abt roids a yr ago. and only startin takin it 1.5 mths ago. u may think i jump into things fast but i dun. its juz dat i was led astray.

    again, thk u for ur replies.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    I don't know why so many people use sust? I wld never use it unless it was a last resort....I'll stick to prop, enanth, or cyp....

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Stupot

    Can I ask why so many of you say this is a cycle for a first time? And why is sus so bad?

    I myself are new to this, and I have done loads of research from the net and also from word of mouth. If this is so bad, can people stop just saying your on a crap cycle or wahtever, and actually explain themselves.

    I say this, cos from all the stuff i've read etc, I seem to be following a simular course, just without dbol. 1 sus250 every week for 10 weeks, then for the last 4 weeks, winstrol tabs 3x 10mg a day.

    If it is crap I wanna know, and can someone suggest a better alternative?

    Here's the problem with sust, its a blend of 4 different testosteone esters. All having their own half lifes. Thus these 4 different esters make it harder to keep hormone levels constant in your blood. Keeping hormone levels constant is the key to reducing sides. As you see this guy has sore nips, which could be partly related to taking it once a week. A lot of people suggesting shooting sust every other day to take advantage of shorting acting prop ester in it. Here's about hormone levels in your blood with sust using every day injections vs m/w/f injections. You will see that by shooting sust every day, the hormone levels are constant, wheres if you dont, the hormone levels are all over the scale.

    As a newbie, you should stick to a single ester test such as test e or cyp b/c you only really need to inject twice a week.

  11. #11
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    Alabama State Prison


    I dont get why are you starting ur first cycle off with sus. How bout test e or c? I use to be ignorant and less knowledgable till i started listening to all these guys. U def shoulda done much more research and started your first cycle like i did, ( if mass is what ur looking for )
    dbol 30mg ed weeks 1-4
    test e 500 mg weeks 1-12
    liquidex .25 mg ed
    nolva 10 mg ed

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by frezhman
    i believe stupot n me r in the same boat. i wun jump into steroids w/o knowin anthin cuz everyone know roids have nasty side effects if u dun noe them.

    i search lotsa site.. believe me. i cant undo what i did wif my cycle. my tits is sore n puffy now, n i felt a tiny lump under my left tits. i hope 1 month of sust and 2 wks of dbol dat i did dun cause major gyno issues. i will be takin nolvadex n proviron now, hopin to reduce the soreness of my tits. (i pray that its reversible)

    marcus300, i never wanted to play wif fire. i gather knowledge from my experience bodybuilder frens, reading thru magazines and the net.

    everyday, im learnin new stuffz abt bodybuilding. i have been carryin weights for 5 yrs, n only know abt roids a yr ago. and only startin takin it 1.5 mths ago. u may think i jump into things fast but i dun. its juz dat i was led astray.

    again, thk u for ur replies.
    First off stop calling them TITS lol still doing the research haven;t done a cycle yet, but found a whole bunch of stuff on GYno
    here are the drugs and medication you can use to try to undo the lump under your nips... i copied it from another place and saved it

    1) Vitex: agnus-castus or Chaste tree. This herb inhibits production of prolactin that can be caused by increased levels of estrogen, or specific hormones such as tren or nor derivatives. This works for very few, but does not increase progesterone or estrogen as purported on some places. Dosages should be at least a gram daily. Available from health food stores, and other online vendors.

    2) Nolvadex: tamoxifen citrate. This drug acts as a pseudo estrogen by binding to estrogen receptor sites throughout the body, blocking estrogen from attatching to receptors and becoming active. This will stop most cases of gyno in their tracks, if caught very early on. However, it does increase estrogen throughout the body so it is advised to take an aromatise inhibitor when coming off of Nolvadex. Nolvadex is available by prescription only (but is available through most online pharmacies, liquid research sites, and in the steroid section FAQs). Dosages should range from 40-80mg daily to get rid of a slight case of gyno.

    3) 4-hydroxy androstenedione (aka Formastat/Aromazap/Formadrol). This is also know has the prescription drug Formastane in Europe. 4-hydroxy androstenedione is a suicide inhibitor of the aromatise enzyme, hence reducing levels of estrogen in the body. Though there is a question of whether or not this is an orally active drug, some have reported good results. Dosages should be 200mg a day or more, in one or divided doses. Available from online venders, non prescription.

    4) Liquidex/Arimidex - (anastrozole) A non steroidal aromatise inhibitor. Very pricey, but works in doses as low as .5mg daily. A good option is to combine this with treatment of Nolvadex to rid the body of estrogen. Dosages range from .5 to 2mg daily, and is available via prescription from liquid sites, or online pharmacies.

    5) Femara (letrozole) Another non steroidal aromatise inhibitor. Comes in 2.5mg dosages, and is available through liquid sites and online pharmacies.

    6) Clomid (clomiphene citrate) This is a fertility drug, commonly used by steroid users post cycle to restart testosterone production by stimulating the LH. However, it does have slight estrogen binding properties and can help stop some cases of gyno. Available through liquid sites, and online pharmacies. Dosages range from 150-300mg daily, or more.

    7) Bromocriptine - Bromocriptine is a dopamine receptor agonist that helps remove body fat all over, but can help stop prolactin production similar to vitex. This usually works in conjuction with a topical yohimbine product such as Lipoderm or Yohimburn. Dosages very, and sides are common. Check the steroids forum for more info. Available through online pharmacies.

    8) Andactrim gel - Topical DHT. This binds to the estrogen receptor targeted at site application. Can be helpful in removing gyno, in some. But may not be a full cure. Only available through Europe or through some steroid dealers. Applications vary, see steroid forum for more details. (You may be able to make a home made version of this using 5 alpha or 3 beta prohormone powder and various other transdermal ingredients)

    9) Yohimbine - Yohimbine is the pure alkaloid of the herb yohimbe. Yohimbine can be applied either topically or site injected to target a2 receptors in the nipples that can accumulate fat. This, along with bromocriptine and a reduced calorie diet, and cardio - can help rid accumulations of fat or water weight along the nipple area. Yohimbine can be used without bromocriptine, but you should substitute an ECA in its place for maximum fat burning

    10) Acetyl-L-Carnitine - ALCAR can be site injected (kits available from Animal) or applied topically. Works to facilitate the transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for beta-oxidation and energy generation. Check animals board for feedback.

    Two topical products that contain both ALCAR and yohimbine are Avant Labs Lipoderm Ultra and Legal Gear Lipoburn

    11) Preperation-H: This is a temporary solution. You apply to the nipple area and it shrinks them. It also removes water from under the skin, so this combined with a low cal diet and cardio, may reduce the gyno. Otherwise, you can just apply it in the interem if you have to wear a tight shirt or go out shirtless, etc. Use the gel form. Available at grocery stores.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Hows your cycle going?

    Hi Frezhman

    I was wondering how you cycle went in the end.
    We both posted simular things on the forum and were on simular cycles using sus. I am coming to the end of my cycle now and have experienced reasonable gains in strength and mass. Put on a reasonable 10lbs of mass, which isn't as big as some people have claimed, but still i am happy with the results.

    I think it was mainly my diet that was letting me down and could have possibly gained more with a higher cal diet.

    Anyhow, i've had a succesful first cycle and was wondering how you got on. Have you managed to sort out the probs you where having?

    Cheers Stupot

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Stupot
    Hi Frezhman

    I was wondering how you cycle went in the end.
    We both posted simular things on the forum and were on simular cycles using sus. I am coming to the end of my cycle now and have experienced reasonable gains in strength and mass. Put on a reasonable 10lbs of mass, which isn't as big as some people have claimed, but still i am happy with the results.

    I think it was mainly my diet that was letting me down and could have possibly gained more with a higher cal diet.

    Anyhow, i've had a succesful first cycle and was wondering how you got on. Have you managed to sort out the probs you where having?

    Cheers Stupot
    He cant respond because he is down at the Lingere Store looking for a new bra

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    He cant respond because he is down at the Lingere Store looking for a new bra

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