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  1. #1
    SHO NO MERCY is offline New Member
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    I need some advice

    Hey all! What up!?

    I've been checking the forums out on and off trying to learn anything I can about "Vitamin S" if you know what I mean, before I indulge in my own cycle. I have been lifting weights on and off since I was in high school. I'm now 23 and 5th year senior in college. I've been taking my lifting very srious for about 2 years now. I lift 5 days a week sometimes 6, hate lifting legs just like most other weight lifters.

    I'm 6'2" and weigh 170lbs. I've always been somewhat skinny, now I've added a little more bulk to my frame. My chest is the weakest part of my body with a max bench right now at 190 up from a year ago when i could only get 100. Squat about 285. Bicepts are pretty strong for the way I look, curling max is 140lbs.

    I have always wanted to be stocky. Being that I'm 6'2" I my goal is to weight about 210, and once I reach that....who knows. I have very high metabolism so it's hard for me to gain weight unless I intake about 4000 calories a day minimum, which gets expensive.

    I would like to start a cycle of steroids now and don't know what I need. I would have done this a long time ago, but didn't have the money. Sold my XBOX 360 for $1000 on ebay $$$ so now I have some cash. I'm not wanting to spend more than $300. If anyone could help me out on what you think I should take that would help me out tremendously, and if you could tell me what I should expect from the cycle.

    Thanks for taking time to read this. Any feedback is welcome.

  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    Hey all! What up!?

    I've been checking the forums out on and off trying to learn anything I can about "Vitamin S" if you know what I mean, before I indulge in my own cycle. I have been lifting weights on and off since I was in high school. I'm now 23 and 5th year senior in college. I've been taking my lifting very srious for about 2 years now. I lift 5 days a week sometimes 6, hate lifting legs just like most other weight lifters.

    I'm 6'2" and weigh 170lbs. I've always been somewhat skinny, now I've added a little more bulk to my frame. My chest is the weakest part of my body with a max bench right now at 190 up from a year ago when i could only get 100. Squat about 285. Bicepts are pretty strong for the way I look, curling max is 140lbs.

    I have always wanted to be stocky. Being that I'm 6'2" I my goal is to weight about 210, and once I reach that....who knows. I have very high metabolism so it's hard for me to gain weight unless I intake about 4000 calories a day minimum, which gets expensive.

    I would like to start a cycle of steroids now and don't know what I need. I would have done this a long time ago, but didn't have the money. Sold my XBOX 360 for $1000 on ebay $$$ so now I have some cash. I'm not wanting to spend more than $300. If anyone could help me out on what you think I should take that would help me out tremendously, and if you could tell me what I should expect from the cycle.

    Thanks for taking time to read this. Any feedback is welcome.
    wt cycle?
    if u wanna get help the minimum u could do is tell us wt is available to u.

  3. #3
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    why would you sell your x box 360 for roids?

  4. #4
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    you had better keep every gain you make...

  5. #5
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    personally i dont think you need to get on juice. because i mean, your not gonna grow unless you have that type of consumption of calories reguardless, rather your on gear or not. 6'2 170 isnt big enough yet. try to get near 210-230. it's not hard at 6'2. use the cash u got to go either buy another x box or groceries.

  6. #6
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    and i understand your lifts may be a bit embarassing but you have to be patient...

  7. #7
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    the question isnt how long have you lifted. the question is how long have you lifted right with a solid routine and diet?

  8. #8
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    youve gotta eat to grow. Steroids dont work without food. You should learn how to eat 3-4K calories/day first. By doing that, you'll put on some size naturally too

  9. #9
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    the more you force yourself to eat, your stomach will expand. your process of eating is a memory performance by the brain. the reason why people say to eat your food in smaller pieces to lose weightl is because ur brain remembers how much you eat and how much you chew and everytime you eat is the same amout of chewing till you come to the feeling to stop. make urself eat more than i explained that horrible...

  10. #10
    marcus_arillius's Avatar
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    Hey so,

    You need to get some goals fists and then make up a cycle to obtain those goals but first off they’re some elements you have to consider.

    1. You say eating gets expensive...once you gain the weight from AS you need to eat accordingly to maintain the weight. More weight = more cals and more $. Trust me I’ve been on that roller coaster.
    2. It sound like your progress is still moving at a good pace maybe use some supplements first, educate yourself more on diet. I did a bulk cycle when I was less knowledgeable on diet and couldn’t figure out why I was gaining half the weight I wanted too. It was because I wasn’t eating enough carbs and then when I came off my cycle I lost everything because of the same reason.
    3. Last but not least most ppl DO NOT truly know or have what it takes to PCT.

    That should help you do some brainstorming in achieving your goals…

    Oh ya one last thing make sure your hitting the right body part to get the right gains. I see ppl at the gym thinking their doing the back of their delts and really they’re doing their back. I think that is the biggest problem in the gym in regards to muscle isolation.

  11. #11
    SHO NO MERCY is offline New Member
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    I'm not saying I'm going to substitute steroids for food. I'm saying I can still manage to put away 3000 cal a day and take what I need.

    6'2 170 isnt big enough yet. try to get near 210-230. it's not hard at 6'2.
    What I'm getting from this comment is at 170 lbs steroids aren't going to help me? How so? It would take me 2 years of eating solid 4500 cals a day just to hit 210. I'm not trying to bash your advice, because I appreciate everyone's input. Is what your saying is I need to try to gain weight by eating first? I took several tests and found out that I need 4000 calories a day, everyday, just to gain 1 lb a week, and that's also not counting the calories I would burn so I need more like 4500.

    Remember that my comment about having extremely fast metabolism.

    I have been lifting for a long time. Have worked out in many a weight room...I read magazines, books, internet, etc..etc..I know about muscle isolation and when I'm doing something wrong and right. I take protein, creotine, and just got done taking a months worth of NO2, which did help me gain 5lbs, and "The Beast" anabolic activator. I have seen gains. I'm not embarrasses of how much I lift in the weightroom. All I want to see are gains. In any way, shape, or form. I do have the discipline for pct. My gf's brother knows a vast amount about roids and is going to help me through the process.

    Just picture yourself right now...6'2" 170 lbs and want to get on some sort of results. I don't have the genetics to be a body builder, I just want to put on mass. Thanks for all your help!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I've been taking my lifting very srious for about 2 years now.:

    Door #2
    I have been lifting for a long time. Have worked out in many a weight room

    So which one is it?

  13. #13
    SHO NO MERCY is offline New Member
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    Apparrently you need to read my first thread. I said i've lifted since high school...and lifted 5 to 6 days a week the last 2 years. Please don't post if you're not going to help. Thanks

  14. #14
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    1st off 3000 calories is average, u'll need to raise that up to 4000 i'd say.
    2nd try to add some more mass without juice, u got alot of room for it.
    3rd if u MUST use AAS go with a 12-14 weeks of Test, i'd say 500 mg/week.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHO NO MERCY
    I have been lifting weights on and off since I was in high school. I'm now 23 and 5th year senior in college. I've been taking my lifting very srious for about 2 years now. I lift 5 days a week sometimes 6, hate lifting legs just like most other weight lifters.

    Thanks for taking time to read this. Any feedback is welcome.

    Little man, that was my feedback. You seriously have no business doing steroids . 6'2" and you wanna be 210? Shit, try working out and eating. It really is that simple. 6 days lifting for a hardgainer is way too much. You should be doing an EOD split to maximize gains and recovery. Work on basic olympic/power movements to build thickness and strength. Steroids are not a magic pill. It's quite evident that with all of your "so claimed" experience that you either a) don't know what the fvck you are doing or b) having been doing it long enough. You can bitch, cry and whine all ya want until some schmuck comes along and gives you the answer the you wanna hear, but the sad truth is that you haven't earned the right to steroids yet. Next.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Little man, that was my feedback. You seriously have no business doing steroids. 6'2" and you wanna be 210? Shit, try working out and eating. It really is that simple. 6 days lifting for a hardgainer is way too much. You should be doing an EOD split to maximize gains and recovery. Work on basic olympic/power movements to build thickness and strength. Steroids are not a magic pill. It's quite evident that with all of your "so claimed" experience that you either a) don't know what the fvck you are doing or b) having been doing it long enough. You can bitch, cry and whine all ya want until some schmuck comes along and gives you the answer the you wanna hear, but the sad truth is that you haven't earned the right to steroids yet. Next.

    Why help him?
    He's looking for quick gains with zero effort, and I can tell when you tell him the truth about actually training and dieting right he's gonna cry like a baby.
    Steroids would be a waste of health to ONLY get alittle over 200 which is EASILY achievable through hard work and proper diet.

  17. #17
    Bulkcut is offline Associate Member
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    Dude... listen to the advice of these experienced people.. you are only 170 pounds? at 6,2? wtf is that man i am 170pounds at 5,6.. (still researching no cycles)
    even if you take a cycle of test and gain weight... you will probably loose it because of your high motabolism... so adjust your diet to high cal naturally for a while... gain weight by eating only and OTC supplements for a while and then try AS.. Hell i am still waiting until my time is right but i am learning so when i am ready i know what to do..

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