This is my first post. So first I would like to say hello to all, I have been reading this forum off and on for a while.
I have done 4 cycles over the last 3 years and I am ready to start another. Currently I (5'10") weigh 175lb. I did a cycle last spring and was at 195lb. Normally I can maintain right at 190.(last 2-3 years) I run about 15-20 miles a week. I lost a bunch of weight becuase I quit working at the end of summer, and have yet to start back.
I have a ton of questions, so bare with me. I have 10 cc of sus250, 25 cc of deca 300 and 300 dbols. My goal is to get to 200lb. Total possible with the gear I have. Yet 200lb has always remained elusive to me. I can get close but never over the edge. I train 5 days a week and run 4.
My questions: How should I dose? In the past I would run 250 mg of a test and at least 600 mg of deca a week. I would start with the test for a few weeks, taper off and start the deca for 4-6 weeks and taper down. Is it better to have even doses for the duration or build up doses and the taper off?
PCT? What should I do, I can get clen and clomid, but have never tried. (As I said I have always kept 90% percent of my gains.)