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Thread: Cycle Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Raleigh, NC

    Cycle Help

    This is my first post. So first I would like to say hello to all, I have been reading this forum off and on for a while.

    I have done 4 cycles over the last 3 years and I am ready to start another. Currently I (5'10") weigh 175lb. I did a cycle last spring and was at 195lb. Normally I can maintain right at 190.(last 2-3 years) I run about 15-20 miles a week. I lost a bunch of weight becuase I quit working at the end of summer, and have yet to start back.

    I have a ton of questions, so bare with me. I have 10 cc of sus250, 25 cc of deca 300 and 300 dbols. My goal is to get to 200lb. Total possible with the gear I have. Yet 200lb has always remained elusive to me. I can get close but never over the edge. I train 5 days a week and run 4.

    My questions: How should I dose? In the past I would run 250 mg of a test and at least 600 mg of deca a week. I would start with the test for a few weeks, taper off and start the deca for 4-6 weeks and taper down. Is it better to have even doses for the duration or build up doses and the taper off?

    PCT? What should I do, I can get clen and clomid, but have never tried. (As I said I have always kept 90% percent of my gains.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Tapering alters your blood levels too much. You also need to run test higher than deca. Starting test then tapering down and going to deca is another bad move. Running 20 miles a week will eat hard earned muscle. You need to learn more. You don't have nearly enough gear to start a decent cycle. Not flaming you just telling it like it is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    1st u should get more sust 10 cc is not enough
    i think u should do it like this
    week1-4 40 mg dbol
    week1-12 500 mg sus
    week1-10 400 mg deca
    dont taper ur doses just keep it like this & ull see nice gains
    for pct after 18 days of last sus shoot start ur pct day 1 300mg clomid
    day2-11 100 mg clomid day12-21 50 mg clomid but i prefer 2 stop clomid when u find every thing is ok i do it this way & yes u can use clen during pct it will help n keeping ur gains but dont forget food its the key for every thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Raleigh, NC
    Thanks for the info. I appreciate all the advice. I know I am still a novice and relied too much on word of mouth info at the local gym. <---bad idea!.

    I can not get anymore sus at this time. So the best thing to do would be to put that at the end of the cycle, and go ahead and start the deca?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyco
    Thanks for the info. I appreciate all the advice. I know I am still a novice and relied too much on word of mouth info at the local gym. <---bad idea!.

    I can not get anymore sus at this time. So the best thing to do would be to put that at the end of the cycle, and go ahead and start the deca?

    You really need to do some research bro.......maybe check out some of the novice cycles

    Do not run the deca without a test!!!!

    What you want to be looking at is probably something simple like test e/c @500mg pw,anti e's and pct.If you want to spice it up a bit front load with dbol.
    More is not always better though so dont make the same mistake as many others do by trying to run before you can walk.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Beyond Swole
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyco
    Thanks for the info. I appreciate all the advice. I know I am still a novice and relied too much on word of mouth info at the local gym. <---bad idea!.

    I can not get anymore sus at this time. So the best thing to do would be to put that at the end of the cycle, and go ahead and start the deca?

    Just finish your cycle and keep it like it is. It isn't the greatest but I've seen worse. Proper pct and do more research next time bro.

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