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Thread: its my first time and im TRIPPEN...HELP please!!!

  1. #1

    its my first time and im TRIPPEN...HELP please!!!

    Okay so i took my first injection last saturday with a brand new needle of 400 test enthate by the brand and 300 decca so it was 2 and half CC of steriods. My friend shot me up and he said that it was normal for a first time use. Pretty much i got the test flu and im over that, but the worst part is that the swelling hasnt gone down yet and its making it REALLY difficult to walk. Any tips that can stop the pain? And normally how long will the swelling last?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    ive had gear that caused very bad swelling. im not sure there is much you can do about it though. hell, at least you only have to shoot up every week, and not every other day.

  3. #3
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    New England
    maybe he didnt go deep enough or maybe he injected too fast try massaging the injection site time inject VERY SLOWLY and i assume you injected into your glutes? also what gauge pin are you using?

  4. #4
    i used a size 1/2 inch needle and shot it in the right ass cheek. My friend that did it for me did all of what you guys are saying to do. he went really slow and pulled out slowly. i massaged it for about 2 minutes afterwards. My main question is how long do you suppose the pain will last and swelling since im already on day 4 and its hurt worse then all the other days.

  5. #5
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    i used a size 1/2 inch needle and shot it in the right ass cheek. My friend that did it for me did all of what you guys are saying to do. he went really slow and pulled out slowly. i massaged it for about 2 minutes afterwards. My main question is how long do you suppose the pain will last and swelling since im already on day 4 and its hurt worse then all the other days.
    a 1/2 inch needle?! NOO NOOO thats no good you need AT LEAST an inch preferably 1 1/2 could have an oil abscess under your skin hopefully it will clear itself hopefully this isnt it because a lot of first timers can get some bad discomfort depending on what kind of gear they are using
    next time use an inch or 1 1/2 inch needle
    BTW are you sure your gear is legit?

  6. #6
    1/2 won't cut it. A 1 1/2inch is suggested, but a 1inch will work. 1/2 is no good.

  7. #7
    my friend said its all legit. Im just trying to figure out if the pain will go away on its own of it im gonna have to see a doctor.
    Last edited by PushinWeight24; 12-21-2005 at 10:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Is the area red and/or hot to the touch?

  9. #9
    Yea the area is red and it feels tough. Its not as hot as it was before but a little still. what you think?

  10. #10
    Give it a couple more days, I don't know bro I am not looking at your ass so it's hard to say. If you are really concerned, go see a doctor but I think you're overreacting.

  11. #11
    yea i figure i give it tell saturday and if it hasnt gotten any better ill go see a doctor. Was it to much for my first time? Should i do splits?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    New England
    i wouldnt worry about it just get a longer pin and focus on other areas to inject and maybe give that one some good time to cool off ya know...but youll be fine the human body is an efficient machine but if its not gone in a week maybe you should get it checked were you using insulin needles or somethin??

  13. #13
    I'd stick with 1 - 1 1/2 cc per bodypart for starts, then work your way up. Should've stuck with Test only anyway for a first go around. Sounds like you have a bit more research to do.

  14. #14
    im not sure what i used my friend did it for me
    Last edited by PushinWeight24; 12-21-2005 at 10:39 PM.

  15. #15
    hahaha, I hope you're joking. Go buy some real needles that are for what you need to inject, hence the name "insulin" needles. Come on. Try 25gauge 1 1/2inch. Most universal one.

  16. #16
    to be honest i dont know if thats the real needle he used. He told me it was the one to use and he does it all the time for his other friends. ill tell him you guys are saying to use a longer needle. thanks for all the input, i figured i was just trippen really hard it being my first time and all.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Beyond Swole
    You can't mention UGL's in here. Take that shit out.

  18. #18

  19. #19
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    UGL = Under Ground Lab. Click edit and take the name of the product's manufacturer out.

  20. #20
    sorry didnt know. did it

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Beyond Swole
    Thank you.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    to be honest i dont know if thats the real needle he used. He told me it was the one to use and he does it all the time for his other friends. ill tell him you guys are saying to use a longer needle. thanks for all the input, i figured i was just trippen really hard it being my first time and all.
    I'd slap that idiot, and next time research what you are doing to yourself first so you'll know bad advice when it is given. Take care.

  23. #23
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    to be honest i dont know if thats the real needle he used. He told me it was the one to use and he does it all the time for his other friends. ill tell him you guys are saying to use a longer needle. thanks for all the input, i figured i was just trippen really hard it being my first time and all.
    PushinWeight24...Please start reading about the substances you are putting into your body. I have a feeling your friend may not know as much as he thinks he does. And if he does know, you should still know everything about these drugs you are putting into your body. This includes what they are, their effects, how to administer them, PCT, and a million other things.

    Good luck

  24. #24
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    how old are you?
    and dont let some clown just stick somethin in you just because he says its gonna get you to do the research yourself and know EXACTLY what you're getting into

  25. #25
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    Bottom line is that any clown who puts a 1/2 inch pin into his glutes doesn't know jack shit.

  26. #26
    22years old...... just got to make it past this first shot and ill be able to deal with what i need to do from there

  27. #27
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    Let this be a lesson. Pray they don't have to cut that shit out surgically. Tell your friend he's an ass.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by NYC BIG MIKE
    Let this be a lesson. Pray they don't have to cut that shit out surgically. Tell your friend he's an ass.
    Lol, damn first i was trippen cuz it was swollen and red, then you got to say some shit like that. fuuuuuuucccck

  29. #29
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    Lol, damn first i was trippen cuz it was swollen and red, then you got to say some shit like that. fuuuuuuucccck
    he is saying that because that is a measure some people have to take to cut out oil abcesses they are nothing to take lightly...look online im sure youll see picture of people who have had to have oil removed from them due to bacteria,abcess, etc.... its nothing nice to look at

  30. #30
    can you give me a website to look at? what are the bad signs for knowing that you would have to go to those measures of surgery?

  31. #31
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    can you give me a website to look at? what are the bad signs for knowing that you would have to go to those measures of surgery?
    im not sure of actual sites but you could do a google search of oil abcess...a medical site should have some information on signs to look for DONT STRESS YOURSELF OUT JUST YET things probably will clear up soon but if it doesnt then go see a doctor...for now just look up on one of those sites to see symptoms of it and try to decide if that is what you have

    best of luck to you and next time make sure you know exactly what is goin on

  32. #32
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    can you give me a website to look at? what are the bad signs for knowing that you would have to go to those measures of surgery?
    If it stays red and hot and swollen and doesn't get better in a few days, if you start running a fever, go see a doctor. Pus and fluids leaking from the site isn't a good sign either.

    good luck
    Last edited by Reprisal 6; 12-23-2005 at 12:04 AM.

  33. #33
    its not like my whole right ass cheek is red. its just part of it. As for it being Hot not really. I mean its warm but not hot. if that makes sense at all. Shit i dunno maybe im just trippen to hard. is it suppose to feel tough? Should i try and massage it? What are somethings that can make the swelling go down?

  34. #34
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    Yeah, besides, I'm sure even if they do surgery it won't be more than 10 stitches tops.

  35. #35
    What would be the symptoms if it were to be a bad case?

  36. #36
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by PushinWeight24
    What would be the symptoms if it were to be a bad case?
    just gotta look it up ive only had minor discomfort google "oil abscess" im pretty sure thats how u spell it...but some good info should come up for you

  37. #37
    Anabolios im trying to look it up as we speak but nothing is coming up for it. any other ideas?

  38. #38
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    New England
    i just looked up and im so surprised that i see nothing go to or maybe they have something there but the best of luck to you im sure your body will clear it on its own

  39. #39
    man its thst test 400....i took that and aratest my first cycle ever, and every time it swelled up and turned red, and whenever i needed to sit down, i had to ease into the ass cheek i shot it in....its completely normal.

  40. #40
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    New England

    those arent directly related to steroids but they are the same basic thing...i hope they are of some help to you

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