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Thread: how much test prop?

  1. #1

    how much test prop?

    I Have been on this board for a while now and am learning alot about as. I am about to start my first ever cycle i,m 20yo 5ft 9 and 130lb and have been training for nearly two years. My bf is quite low as I havent gained much mass but training really cut me up. Now I really want to bulk. I have changed my routine to a split routine of chest,arms,back,legs,shoulders, and two days rest thrown in usually every wed and sun. Now I just need the right cycle to push me further. I was originaly going to do 30mg D-bol ED, with 2ccs Sust250 a week for eight weeks and clomid after but i cant get sust any moreconfused: . I just got some Testoprop 50mg/ml and Testo L.A 100mg/ml made by Jurox. Can someone help me with a cycle using this stuff instead of sust. like how many mg per week etc. Thanx
    I also have access to deca and was thinking of using it aswell, will this help me bulk with the Test and D-bol?

    Last edited by InMyPrime; 05-17-2002 at 08:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: how much test prop?

    If you have Test. Prop. @50mg/ml, 1ml ED would be a good moderate dose.

    Originally posted by InMyPrime
    I also have access to deca and stanozolol should i sue them too?
    Litigation against chemicals is hard to win in court.... (j/k)

    Should you use them? That depends--you haven't told us what your goals are. What are you trying to achieve? What are your stats, bacckground, ccycle expereince etc.?

    Read this & update your post: How to write posts that get your questions answered.

  3. #3
    Cheers Ajax
    I edited my post after i spoke to my lawyer and he said the same thing you did
    Thanx for your advice I hope I get some more replies now
    In My Prime

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If you don't mind every day injections, go with 50mg/ed test prop. Great stuff, great gains, and you keep alot of your gains.

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