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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2005

    Heavy Training While On-Cycle...

    I'm on Week 3 of a pretty solid bulk cycle. Recently, I've been having to wait longer inbetween sets due to shortness of breath and a slightly faster heartbeat. Although the latter of the two symptoms is to be expected from running to lifting weights, the shortness of breath bothers me. I'm trying to wait it out and push through it, but in the meantime I have a couple questions about training with this 'altered style.' I'm on break from school right now and want to get in two weeks of HEAVY training so when I get back to class it'll be the catch-up period of the 'Hyper exhaustion-hyper adaptation' protocol. Anyway, here are a couple quick questions:

    1) I usually need about 60-90 seconds inbetween sets to catch my breath. Do you recommend I crack out the next set as soon as I catch my breath (around 60 seconds) or should I wait another minute or so... assuming I'm lifting heavy for some big gains. As I said I'm on Week 3 of a Test Enan/EQ cycle and within the next 2-3 weeks the 'heavy artillery' should start to kick in with some good gains. Opinions?

    2) I run a pretty normal split, but was planning on shortening it down a bit. For example, let's say I train 'Chest & Bi's' on Monday. I'd give them 3 days (instead of 7) before I hit them again, so in essence I'm hitting most bodyparts twice a week. At this point my caloric and protein intake are approaching the right amount, and when EQ's appetite-boosting effects kick in, I'll easily make my food quota. Any reasons I shouldn't do this? It's 2-3 weeks training like this, not an entire year. Just meant to shock and grow with some new techniques and twice the frequency.

    3) As mentioned earlier my heartrate and shortness of breath are bothering me. Anyone experience this early on in a cycle? Does it go away? How did you deal with it? And if at all possible, are there any vitamins that help with blood pressure and cardiovascular effects?

    Thanks for reading, and post away...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    You are fine.



  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Do us all a favor Ross, stay at BB4L as you have in your location.

    You fit in better over there.


  4. #4
    vein-x's Avatar
    vein-x is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Haha, well besides some mod intervention, not too much yet. Funny as it may be, I'm still wonderin'...

    Any ideas?

  5. #5
    kaorialfred is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    U can't get better advice than Swole C on this board

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