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Thread: What We Are Here Four AAS!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    What We Are Here Four AAS!

    Next Cycle

    Ok I've been planning my next cycle and would like to share it with you guys. Any feedback Pro or not would be appreciated.

    Mike and Jason I'll try to keep the questions to a min this time round LOL.

    Stats 232LBS (now, estimate more size from current stack), 5.10, 27 at time of next cycle.

    Current cycle: Deca/Sus/D-Bol

    Goals of next cycle: Fast acting gains, quality mass, reduced risk of gyno, maintained gains, hardening.

    Cycle Plan:


    D-BOL 1 5 50MG ED
    TEST PROP 1 4 100MG EOD

    SUS250 1 10 500MG PW
    DECA 1 10 400MG PW

    PROVIRON 1 12 50MG ED
    WINSTROL 9 12 35MG ED

    CLOMID 13 13 50MG ED
    CLOMID 14 14 100MG ED
    CLOMID 15 15 50MG ED

    Think thats my lot.

    Obviously milk thistle, cranberry juice, kava kava and a great diet and training routine.

    Lets talk AAS!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I can,t comment bro I don,t have the exp but if you research this cycle like you did the first it will be a good effective cycle.

    When do you intend to do it?It looks like a ten week cycle?

    Warning to any newbies you will now see this become the longest post on this board LOL

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    Big Al are you trying to set another record as the longest post ever. The last one was about 400 posts long. At least it felt like it. I was the one that created the Message Board Help page and put your Diary of a First Timer and Yoda's Stack on it. Man that thing took me hours. I almost regretted asking you to bump it so I could save it for you. LOL That's ok though, that's how we learn.

  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    hey bro well one or two things I want to mention from what you wrote 9 total weeks of harsh liver bashing? I would cut that slightly to be on the safe side maybe go with dbol 1-4 and winnie 10,11,12. As for proviron the body gets to used to it so it need to be cycled in my opinion like 3 weeks on 10 days off something like that do some reading on it im sure you will. I like the test prop to start the cycle idea in fact think im gonna do something similar next cycle. One thing I would say is though dont try to add just everything you can its not like more drugs more size !!! you got to consider safety in my opinion you are trying to get to much in this cycle just remember safety is number 1, the other thing I would suggest is look into armidex with dbol,400mg prop,500mg sust you would more than likely get some gyno signs 1/2mg armidex ed would sort that and reduce any water retention to its expensive but worth it. Hope that helps a little bro


  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    BA -

    Damn - not another cycle for you!!! just kidding bro - actually you should see the difference in your experience comparing this post to your first!!! You did VERy well - I think the cycle looks GREAT - run the winny starting on wk 8 and go for 4-5 wks (to the 12th, 13th week) Other than that you look good to go bro! You have done well - make sure you take ample time off here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yep Jason I think you're right, when you put it like that there would be nine weeks of liver bashing.

    I've run the D-Bol for three weeks and tapered on the forth this time round. This has left a week we're I've stayed static waiting for the Sus/Deca to Kick in.

    However, with this cycle I should avoid this problem with the prop. So maybe I should run the prop for five weeks and the D-Bol for four???

    I put the winne in at the end of the cycle to help maintain the gains, whilst the Deca/Sus left the system. Inaffect tapering the AAS off with a less Androgenic substance. Maybe I should drop the winnie altogether.....??? I'll look into that.

    I ran the proviron as an Armidex substitute plus it increases the potency of concurrently used AAS. Ill read up in cycling, which will also be more cost affective.

    I'm always ready to learn and safety is always top priority.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    I didn't see your reply at first. You're right my first post was alittle different LOL.

    I'm planing this cycle for Jan so that will be 14 weeks after the end of my current cycle. I will then not cycle untill September 2002, 12 weeks out from my show.

    So the time off between D-Bol and Winnie is long enough for the liver? I'l be running Milk Thistle the whole time, and I've found that to be really affective this time round.

    I'll keep reading and learning, thanks for the advice.


  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    Well you can start your winny on wk 9 or end your dbol on wk 4 if you want an extra week - either way I think you will be fine - I wouldnt necessarily recommend it to anyone because I believe many people dont care enough about their body to respect the dangers of these drugs so I absolutely understand and respect Jasons response - so IMO I think you are fine given you watch your diet carefully - take your milk thistle and cranberry and DONT drink a drop of alcohol. be safe

  9. #9
    The original jason Guest
    Different people have different opinions on whats safe and what isnt I reckon 9 weeks is to long even though there is break in between When u said u have been waiting I sont htink your body is in its natural state bro !! just that the dbol have stopped they give huge strength gains so dont be dissapointed u r still going well, yes I like your idea about the prop do that run it for 5 weeks and then run the dbol for 4 I dont thikn by adding wiinie post cycle its gonna help to keep your gains but I might be missing something here???, the chioce is yours personally i wont run orals at the end of the cycle cos coming of everything together is more of a crash for the system, the proviron well it in no way substitutes armidex its a pretty shitty anti e and doesnt really do anything for me i would go with armidex hands down .5mg ed for sure much better choice in my eyes just trying to help I like your posts shows some people have the brains to read up!! good luck


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks guys, great replies. I'm glad you guys are here, it makes a hell of a difference.

    I'm gonna keep researching stack 2, and come back with some updates soon.

    I'm also going to re-check my K-Cal intake for my new weight to check whether I need to increase my daily quantities. I'm becoming more vasucualr and losing b/f which I didn't expect on this stack, which could be an indication that I need to bump up my Kcal.

    Thanks again Jason and Mike, great advice!

    Big Al

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