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Thread: Done The Research Now I Need Your Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA

    Done The Research Now I Need Your Help

    I've done the research that I should've done a long time ago and now I'm looking for some sound advice.

    Stats: 21, 5'8, 140lbs, BF 8% (no need for measurements by now you know I'm skinny)

    AS History: Although I was clearly not ready I went a head and did a cycle of T2 and Sustonon 250 a year ago w/o a anti-estrogen. I put on 20lbs and kept nothing come same time this year. The demands of my sport are high to be big, strong, smart and agile. I play smart and agile but to move on I need to be strong. This is reality for me.

    History: I've been working out solidly for the last 4 years to stay in shape for sports. I have a hardgainers body and I'm able to put on a little weight but lose most of it walking to my car. I eat more then enough calories at about 3000-3300 a day and it's getting harder. I'm in my off season right now and want to put on mass and strength but my base isn't so great. I have come to this cycle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Wk 1-4: 50mg DBol
    WK 1-10: 200mg Tornel T2
    Wk 12-15: 300mg-100mg-50mg Clomid
    Last edited by sav22; 05-17-2002 at 11:59 AM.

  2. #2
    you need to bump up the test to 400mgs min,,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    If your that hard of a gainer I'd bump the calories up to around 4000.
    I gain pretty easily and I scarf 3200 calories to bulk.
    Whats your protein, carb, and fat intake like?
    Whats your sport?
    Whats your cardio like? If any

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Forgot- Welcome to the board

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    sav22 first off all welcome to AR,
    Now, if 3000-3300 still isn't putting any size on you it's not enough.
    What sport do you play?
    Are you training specifically for that sport or are you doing a bodybuilder type workout?
    More times than not people do not train correctly to attain their goals, if you want to be better at your sport you may be going about it the wrong way. If you want to be stronger the type of training you do will be more important than the gear you use.
    I see it all the time young kids come into the gym and do bodybuilding workouts when sports performance is their real goal.
    Get back to me and we'll see what we can come up with.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Thanks for responding.....
    My nutrition is good...I get all the protein I need at 200g a day and then after that I don't count my carbs or fat. I always make sure I eat enough protein though. I don't take weight gainer and my food is good cafeteria food(no lie). I'm also taking creatine right now so I might be able to put on a little.
    I play baseball (college)and work out like a bodybuilder because I'm in my offseason now. Low reps, heavy weight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    I'm just getting into my heavy lifting phase because I had been in-season but now I need to bulk up in the short summer I have so I can be effective in moving up that ladder.
    Should I run the T2 at 400mg for the whole 10 wk period or pyramid?
    With the Deca do I really need it? Why or why not?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    I'm a little susceptable about stacking too much because I only have one very unknowledgable cycle under my belt...although I do want to do it right. I'm just having the difficulties on whether or not I can aquire the other "goods" in a reasonable fashion before I go back home.

    Now if I did just run the T2 at 400mg could I run it for just 8wks or should I still go with the 10wk period? Inregards to the clomid, can I get away with 30 instead of 36? Whats the consensus?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    10 weeks, stack it with deca or eq at 400mg's, get ALL the clomid (thats why you lost it from your last cycle). Get Nolva.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    sav22 welcome to AR,

    if you will be tested when you go back the school you might want to go with EQ instead of the deca, it(deca) can stay in your system for up to 18 months. That is if you decide to stack. I think if you would write down everything you eat, to see if you are eating 3000-3300, that would help. I wish I had your problem, I think I eat 3000 cals, but probably eat 4000cal , not good for me. If your eating 200g of protien a day that is 800 cal, that would leave 2200-2500 cal of carbs and fat that's alot of food for a 140 pounder.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA
    Thanks for the welcomes guys!

    Sorry I haven't responded in awhile but I haven't had a computer hook up anywhere. Enough of my sob story....I had to come back home from college but I left myself short in what I wanted to get in way of juice, no dbol for me, but I was able to get three bottles of test2 and two packs of clomid. Now I'm thinking I might do a "test only cycle". I know it might not be all that strong but for me I think it'll pack some of a punch. I'm running out of time on when I should start but what kind of advice do you all have for me? Thanks for the words and remember I'm a Canadian now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    British Columbia, CANADA

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