I've done the research that I should've done a long time ago and now I'm looking for some sound advice.
Stats: 21, 5'8, 140lbs, BF 8% (no need for measurements by now you know I'm skinny)
AS History: Although I was clearly not ready I went a head and did a cycle of T2 and Sustonon 250 a year ago w/o a anti-estrogen. I put on 20lbs and kept nothing come same time this year. The demands of my sport are high to be big, strong, smart and agile. I play smart and agile but to move on I need to be strong. This is reality for me.
History: I've been working out solidly for the last 4 years to stay in shape for sports. I have a hardgainers body and I'm able to put on a little weight but lose most of it walking to my car. I eat more then enough calories at about 3000-3300 a day and it's getting harder. I'm in my off season right now and want to put on mass and strength but my base isn't so great. I have come to this cycle. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Wk 1-4: 50mg DBol
WK 1-10: 200mg Tornel T2
Wk 12-15: 300mg-100mg-50mg Clomid