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Thread: I Hate Amps, 2 Reasons..

  1. #1

    I Hate Amps, 2 Reasons..

    just started my sust250/anadrol cycle for 12 weeks.

    Anadrol: 100mgs/day, 2-day split (wks 1-4)
    sust250: .5ml eod

    the obvious is opening the amps, but that i have under control.

    the worst part is getting the full ml into the syringe. i seem to think that my amps r not a full mililiter. i am only getting 3/4 of a ml into my syringe. i let the amp stand up on its base to let all the oil run down. then i pop open & extract. i try to get all of it & when i do my syringe doesn't measure to 1ml, its a little under.

    im sure others have this problem, but is thier a solution. i feel that i am getting jipped cause i have to go thru more amps then expected. this sucks, anybody please help.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    is getting less than a ml common with amps?

  3. #3
    all glass amps r 1ml if im not mistaking. guys anybody have some suggestions. 1 other thing i tried is to pour the amp into the syringe from the top by taking the plunger out, but the oil is so thick that it creates a seal & nothing comes out.
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 12-27-2005 at 09:25 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Some brands of amps are hard as hell to open and others just pop off without effort. Why cant they all be easy

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Some brands of amps are hard as hell to open and others just pop off without effort. Why cant they all be easy
    true mike, opening amps vary, my friends winny was easy, but opening amps i have under control. the only thing im concern with is the amount in the amp. it doesn't equal to 1ml. BY THE WAY THEY ARE NILE SUST, by organon.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Some brands of amps are hard as hell to open and others just pop off without effort. Why cant they all be easy
    i use my girlfriends nail file to score the amp then snap off, better than bleeding fingers.....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    i use my girlfriends nail file to score the amp then snap off, better than bleeding fingers.....
    that i do, i saw ur post last time & i made a note of it. it works. getting the amount in the amp versus the amount that should be in the syringe is my main concern. any ideas to get the full ml into the syringe.

  8. #8
    it seems that these amps r under 1ml, does anybody else ever have these problems. my amps r legit, thier from a good source.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    just started my sust250/anadrol cycle for 12 weeks.

    Anadrol: 100mgs/day, 2-day split (wks 1-4)
    sust250: .5ml eod

    the obvious is opening the amps, but that i have under control.

    the worst part is getting the full ml into the syringe. i seem to think that my amps r not a full mililiter. i am only getting 3/4 of a ml into my syringe. i let the amp stand up on its base to let all the oil run down. then i pop open & extract. i try to get all of it & when i do my syringe doesn't measure to 1ml, its a little under.

    im sure others have this problem, but is thier a solution. i feel that i am getting jipped cause i have to go thru more amps then expected. this sucks, anybody please help.


    try to pull the plunger down to the 3 ml mark when you've drawn. if you do you will see the oil is at 2 ml = 1 ml. hard to explain but when you draw out 1 ml in the syringe you actually have a tad bit more. what i am saying is that you do have a full ml even when the plunger is just below the mark...make sense?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    try to pull the plunger down to the 3 ml mark when you've drawn. if you do you will see the oil is at 2 ml = 1 ml. hard to explain but when you draw out 1 ml in the syringe you actually have a tad bit more. what i am saying is that you do have a full ml even when the plunger is just below the mark...make sense?
    smiler is correct. And if you are having that much trouble getting all of the product out, switch to a 23GA x 1.5" pin. I draw out of vials and amps with this larger pin, then inject with 25GA x 1" or 5/8".


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    try this... go draw exactly 1 ml of water into your syringe, now pull it down to the 2 ml mark, you should see you have more than 1 ml

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    try to pull the plunger down to the 3 ml mark when you've drawn. if you do you will see the oil is at 2 ml = 1 ml. hard to explain but when you draw out 1 ml in the syringe you actually have a tad bit more. what i am saying is that you do have a full ml even when the plunger is just below the mark...make sense?
    I Understand this completely & i even did this, but i pulled it to the 2ml MARK & let all the oil run down the syringe & it was under 1ml to me. i even pulled back more on the plunger to get the some of the oil out of the needle.

    correct me if im wrong but OBVIOUSLY, to draw out of an amp u have to do it right side up w/ the needle facing down into the glass amp, correct. not like a vial where u do it upside down. if so im doing it right, RIGHT?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    smiler is correct. And if you are having that much trouble getting all of the product out, switch to a 23GA x 1.5" pin. I draw out of vials and amps with this larger pin, then inject with 25GA x 1" or 5/8".

    I Use a 23g 1" pin from the start. it is a little tight but that is normal cause of the oil. thanks for the replies, i'll check it out tommorrow again.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    southern usa
    use a 1.5 pin then you will be able to reach the bottom. When i use amps i even lean it over a little so i can get every drop it will all run to one side then switch pins before you inject

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by stumpy29
    use a 1.5 pin then you will be able to reach the bottom. When i use amps i even lean it over a little so i can get every drop it will all run to one side then switch pins before you inject
    i did all that, 1" pin goes to the bottom, but i'll try 1.5" pin. thanks.

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