just started my sust250/anadrol cycle for 12 weeks.
Anadrol: 100mgs/day, 2-day split (wks 1-4)
sust250: .5ml eod
the obvious is opening the amps, but that i have under control.
the worst part is getting the full ml into the syringe. i seem to think that my amps r not a full mililiter. i am only getting 3/4 of a ml into my syringe. i let the amp stand up on its base to let all the oil run down. then i pop open & extract. i try to get all of it & when i do my syringe doesn't measure to 1ml, its a little under.
im sure others have this problem, but is thier a solution. i feel that i am getting jipped cause i have to go thru more amps then expected. this sucks, anybody please help.