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Thread: My cycle? how should I break it up?

  1. #1

    My cycle? how should I break it up?

    Stats-6'2 190 lbs 7 percent body fat and this is my 3rd cycle I have nolva on hand. I'm looking to be 210 after this cycle with a lot of food and a lot of sleep as well as hard training I should be able to gain that but im a hard gainer and my last cycle was crap cause i didn't eat well. I have pushed this cycle back because my eatting habbits have not been there but i feel like im ready I'm gonna take my first shot today...but before i do i want to run this by you guys!!!

    okay I'm gonna run

    1-4 weeks-A-50 with 100mgs
    1-12 weeks-600 mgs of test
    1-12 weeks-600 mgs of EQ

    3rd cycle now as for my shits ima split it up every 2 shots a week but thats still 2 and half CC a shot so should i shoot 1 and half in one leg and 1 and half in the other? or should i shoot all 2and half in my quad? seems like it would hurt...

  2. #2
    I'm gonna be honset with you guys I didn't have a PCT after either of my cycles I know very stupid and i never really took a lot of time off i was wondering you think that is why i didn't gain on my 3rd cycle? I should be a lot bigger but i was 150 when i started and im solid 190 now so it's not to bad but im gonna do a pCT this time I have read and know SOOOO much more this time around I want to do things right and thats why im on here reading my ass off and writting to you guys so you guys can help me out. Another problem is I can't really ever tell if im on a cycle i don't gain much weight and i don't gain much strengh most likley eatting but i get down and one of my cycles i stopped half way through. It been abot 2 months off and this tiome im ready...FLAME away but like i said i have read up and know my shit this time! we all do stupid things and this was reallys dumb... THink my body is reacting to the roidS?> maybe my RESEPTERS are toasted? could that be? since i didn't PCT and didn't take much time off?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    definetly give your body some tiem for the receptors to clear... and make sure your pct is in order and how old are you

  4. #4
    think my reseptors have cleared it has been 2 months... I'm 23 years old now. also 2 and half CC that's 300 EQ and 300 test that's one of the 2 shots im taking this week should i shoot some in one quad and some in the other? or you think all 2and haldf will be okay in one quad, i don't want to be cripple lol

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