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Thread: PH Sides Vrs Gear Sides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    PH Sides Vrs Gear Sides

    Ok I know you all HATE PHs. They cost alot, the results are half assed, and apparently the sides are as bad or worse than the real thing...Or are they?

    I did a short cycle with a ton of PHs in some pretty high doses recently. While I did gain some muscle as well as plenty of fat, I also got a shit load of pimples.

    As most of you know, Im putting together my first cycle of the REAL stuff. And I just wanted to know if the sides on PHs really are as bad (or worse) as the real thing. Im hoping to hear they are worse. But im not asking about relative worse (as in for how much you get out of it, the sides arent worth it...more like PHs gave me X amount of zits and gear gave me Y amount).

    Lemme tell how it compares:

    1000mg/Day of 4-Diol Vrs 400mg/week Test Enan
    1200mg/Day of NorDiol Vrs 300mg/week Deca
    900mg/Day of 1-AD Vrs 30mg/Day Dianabol (Week 1-6)
    500mg/Day of 1,4 Andro Vrs 50mg/Day Winny (week 7-12)

    Without taking into account effectiveness, and just ocncentrating on absolute sides, which would you think is more likely to produce more androgenic sides?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    This is really one of those impossible questions. We ALL react differently to the things we take, be it PH or AS.

    Some people cant even look at deca without getting itchy nips, and some take it all the time with no sides at all. Im sure the same goes for PH too.

    The answer is, and really can only be, to be prepared for the worst case scanario. Make sure you have your anti-e on hand, make sure you have your clomid on hand BEFORE you start your cycle, and LISTEN to what your body tells you.

    Its about all you can do. Once you have been doing this for a few years you will know what works and what doesnt, and what you should avoid (If anything)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    bumpetie bump

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Kaz is right. There is no objective answer to your question.
    I am no expert on PHs and dont know what all these substances convert to, but I think they are all precursors of testosterone in one form or another. When you ingest them an enzyme in your liver converts them to testosterone. Some of them may convert to other active substances like nandrolone (which is what deca is).
    Anyway, the question is how much of the stuff you ingest actually converts to test or whatever.
    You compare 400mg/wk of enanthate with 1000mg of 4-diol a day. Thats 4-Androstenediol, right? According to all those adverts promoting 4-diol products, about 15% of the stuff gets converted to testosterone. Now I cannot say anything about this percentage. May be its true, may be its not. Thus if you take 1000mg of the stuff daily, you are taking the equivalent of 150mg of test. Or the equivalent of 1050mg of test a week. Sounds quite high. You would thus expect more gains and more sides from 4-diol. BUT at the same time, according to all those adverts, elevated test levels are sustained for only 2 hours after the administration... AND all that extra test somehow does not aromatise into estrogen, no effect on DHT either. Must be some smart test that. ARGH what the f*ck. Im confused with this crap. But Im pretty sure its all lies
    i can say a bit from my personal experience. I did try nandrosol from Biotest some time ago. That was my only experience with PHs. I dont think I got much in terms of gains, but it seemed like I almost got deca dick from it. The stuff in it is nandrolone so...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My brother works at GNC and he said all that PH stuff is bs. He even said the sides with the PH is greeter, he gets allot of people who don’t see results but rather just the sides of it. Personally I wouldn’t fuck with any of that shit just stick to the AS. believe it or not I think they are safer. Just my opinion.

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