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Thread: Help for the bros that are 16 HMMMMMMM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Help for the bros that are 16 HMMMMMMM

    What age does site allow???????? (Post #1)


    I have pasted this from the home page............
    And i find it disturbing that there are a lot of younger bros on the board....Again please explain as it seems so wrong that we can give advice that will harm............(DONT DELETE)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: Help for the bros that are 16 HMMMMMMM

    Originally posted by bex
    . . . please explain as it seems so wrong that we can give advice that will harm............
    Simple: We do not knowingly give advice that will harm. I do not think you will find any advice given to someone who is known to be 16 years old to the effect that he or she should do a cycle. In fact, it would be rare to see advice given to an 18, 19, or 20 year old recommending a cycle. If anything, we recommend that they not do a cycle until they have completed their natural growth development process.

    The age requirement for the board is, indeed, 18 years old. However, anyone can state that he or she is 18 or older, and there is no verification process to validate their claim. Nor should there be - because of the nature of the board, we do not ask for identification; anonymity is respected here.

    Thus, even if we were to enforce the minimum age requirement, we recognize that there would be nothing to stop a person from re-registering under a new name and claiming to be 18 or older.

    The bottom line is simple: Teenagers will be on the board, and even younger kids may be on the board. Likewise, whether we recommend it or not - and we do not recommend it - teenagers will do anabolic steroids, and even younger kids will do them as well.

    Therefore - and this is my personal opinion and not intended to represent the board officially - we have a choice: We can attempt to kick their young butts off the board (in which case they will re-register and lie about their age), or we can allow them to stay in the hope that, at the least, they will gain a constructive knowledge that will influence them not to do steroids until they have matured, both chronologically and in terms of their development. It's the old lesser-of-evils argument: Either we do the best we can to help them not succumb to possible peer pressure or another temptation to do AS prematurely, or we do what we can to provide them with the knowledge that, hopefully, will influence them in the right direction (not to do AS).

    Young people have snuck "behind the lines" for years, whether it be into bars (sorry - you're English: make that pubs ) or adult book stores or strip joints. Unlike those millieus, however, we do not have a big dude at the door asking for I.D. Kids will be here, just as they will be on adult web sites, sexually or drug-oriented sites, and other sites that have a minimum age requirement. That's just the way it is - so we do the best we can to ensure that if they are seeking information, they get accurate information, along with our best recommendation for someone their age: not to act prematurely.

    I respect the young people that are on the board, just as I respect the older members. Granted, they may have clicked on the "Over-18" link, but once they have gotten onto the board, many of them are honest about their age. The very least we can do is be as honest with them about what they should - and shouldn't - do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    No. what iam say is were does stop if we allow 16 OR UNDER to access this site we are no more than pushers......(ME THINKS THIS BOARD NEEDS MORE STRICT RULES).................

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bex, with all due respect, give us a solution instead of a problem.

    I agree that ~16 year olds have no business doing AS or any other drug for that matter. Teaching responsibility is the closest I think we can do to prevent the younger crowds use. If that fails then they should at least be able to gain the knowledge to be as SAFE as possible with something.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Oh, yeah???

    Originally posted by bex
    No. what iam say is were does stop if we allow 16 OR UNDER to access this site we are no more than pushers......(ME THINKS THIS BOARD NEEDS MORE STRICT RULES).................
    Who you calling a pusher? Okay, seriously . . .

    First of all, I am not aware of any persons connected with the board in an official capacity who are pushers. But the notion that A=B is no more valid than the notion that people who do drug education are pushers.

    Let's face it: Anabolic steroid use is illegal in many countries, as well as in most international sports. But, unlike boards dealing with street or recreational drugs, in which the participants may, in fact, be advocating their use by anyone, both the moderators and most of the members at A.R. are specifically discouraging] their use by young people.

    Let me make it clear (again speaking personally, and not in my role as a moderator): I am proud of any young person who would take the time to tap into a board to get information on steroids before using them, and I hope that I can encourage them not to use them until they have developed naturally for at least a few more years.

    If that makes me a pusher, I confess freely. But considering that I do not encourage AS use by young people, I'll be happy to have any drug enforcement agent review my posts back to day one, and feel confident that they would not consider me a pusher.

    The rules at A.R. are, in fact, far more stringent than on any other AS board, and we're proud of that. It means that people of all ages receive a higher quality of accurate information and sound recommendations, especially when it comes to what not to do. More than any other board, we focus on sound education and member support - and that includes telling any younger members who got in through the back door the truth - that using AS is not in their best interest.

    Bex, you're one of the good guys, and I admire your commitment and respect your honesty. (Okay, it sounds like bullshit, but I couldn't resist laying it on. ) But many of us view our role as preventive when it comes to AS use by those who are too young to do a cycle and, in that sense, I think we're doing a positive job.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I agree with these guys. You can't tell a teenager what to do. They wont listen, also you cant ignore the problem like resticting them and think all is well. Out of site out of mind. The best thing we can do is educate them and hope they make a wiser, safer decision on their own.
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 05-18-2002 at 05:46 PM.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    I think this post has raised some interesting points (Or opened a can of worms, depending on how you look at it)

    The fact is that young people WILL get on this site unless we have some kind of screening involving a credit card number, just like many of the porn sites. Even then (Aside from losing many people who simply wont give their card number out) there are ways to get around it.

    I admire the fact that many of our younger members are trusting and truthful enough with us to tell us their real age. That in itself shows a measure of maturity.

    Whenever I talk to someone who is under 21 I ALWAYS say that I feel they are too young. But if they are obviously going to go ahead and use AS anyway, I would much rather give them the benefit of my experience (Such as it is) and steer them along a safe route, than see them run off to some fool dealer and take rubbish wrongly.

    I think THAT is a responsibility that all of us should have.

    And, we really only have a few choices open to us. We can carry on as we are, and give advice when it is asked for, while trying to pursuade younger guys not to use AS.....


    We can attempt to clamp down and prevent the younger guys getting in here in the first place, something which I think is doomed to failure and will only drive hitherto truthful and trusting young guys to lie to us about their ages (Which in turn will mean we are giving possibly incorrect information, based on the fact that we think they are 36 and not 16)

    I for one will always try to treat the younger members with respect, and not try to make them feel like little kids. Sure Ill tell them what I think, and I will try my best to pursuade them that AS is not a good thing at their age. But I will also make sure they go away armed with enough information NOT to run off and kill themselves should they choose not to take my advice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Most of the members on here will agree that under 21 is too young to cycle but if you younger guys want to take that chance go ahead.What Bex is saying is that if you are 16 and expecting us to write you out a cycle and answer the same questions over and over then no you won't get any help,however if you are 16 and decide to research and search the board where all the info is no-one is supporting your use of AAS but you will get the info you require.

    sk* I know your view on this and that you are not that old you have made YOUR choice it does not mean it is right or wrong but you have decided that taking steroids is worth the risk to YOU.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    If society frowns on anything it's adults giving children advice on (how to use) drugs. It's a moral issue, and I for one wouldn't want my advice to be destructively used by someone who legally isn't even responsible for their actions.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by sk*

    Legally? LOL
    Stop living in society, live your own life ... it is much more pleasurable.
    I think I'd rather live in yours, where there is no consequences.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by sk*

    I added on my post to explain what I ment. All I am saying is that noone is going to chase after you for giving advice. And the "American Law" isn't the "Bible."
    Actually, much American law is attributed to the bible.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I just want to throw out a slightly different view of this whole controversy. I will admit that I started juicing much too young. I started at 16 because I wanted to help my football team win a state championship. I am now 19 and playing college football. I feel there is a big difference between a “kid” (age is almost arbitrary here) asking for advice on how to get huge, and a young person who has done the research, put in the gym time and has a legitimate reason to use AAS. I realize “legitimate” is all based on perspective but when there are thousands of dollars on the line and an education (such as with a scholarship), I consider that a enough good reason. I have found myself in the position to give advice to people younger then myself about steroid use and I too find myself thinking these kids are way too young. However if they are adamant about using gear then I will help them, as I was helped at their age. Don’t preach, just inform! And to my young brothers ask yourself are you doing this for the right reasons?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    What iam trying to say there must be some sort of way of stopping the 18 and under from getting on this site..........I feel that we all understand that AS is more damaging for people in there teen age and to allow them on this site is wrong.I know we all need to learn and research but if your own child got access to this site and got hooked up with a source would you not be worried?????????????

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by sk*

    If my child had my mentality than no I wouldn't be worried.
    YES SK* but you are only a young dude ........When you are in the position of having your own kids then your opinion will count(NO FLAME BRO BUT IT IS CALLED REALITY)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by sk*

    How do you know I don't have a kid? Don't assume.
    If you have GOD HELP HIM The way you talk assumes to me that
    you dont need AS ............YOU NEED HELP............(NO FLAME)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    sk* when you have kids you bring about a different sense of responsability and caring attitude.You realise that you have dependants and that you can't afford to take the careless stupid risks that you once did unless you are a parent that does not give a shit about your children.

    You have no kids you would be much more mature than you are and as for a child having your intellectual what is your IQ? I,m interested as you always bring this up.I have an IQ that is higher than the average but I never use it or reflect upon it.Using it to quote all the time to me is shallow minded.

    Over and over I read "Educate don't preach" bro when are you going to stop preaching and educate us as to why you feel there is no problem with youngster taking roids and back it up with some medical evidence and end this topic once and for all?

    Talk is easy and cheap backing it up with clinical studies is a damn site harder

    As always no flame intended

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Interesting post...bump

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    OK sk* I myself have no experience of taking steroids when young however I do have a friend well,actually my brothers friend who did steroids when he was a kid.He was 15 when he first started and yes by the time he was 21-22 he looked fucking awesome,I was envious and I will admit that so was a lot of other people.He had no sides apart from a little gyno.I saw him about 2 years ago in a shop and got talking to him and he looked like an old man he was hunched over and looked bad.We went for a beer and got chatting and he told me it was the roids that screwed him up.He gave me a load of medical facts as to why and what had happened.The bottom line for him was he wished he had never done them.I swear this is the truth and I have not fabricated this little story for your post.

    They did do bad things to him and he would be the first to admit he abused them along with the alcohol,and the chances of it ever happening to you guys is very slim but there is that chance that it could happen.

    sk* whatever you choose to do just be safe with it it really is not worth screwing the rest of your life up.Your a wise kid just makesure you research and teach other young uns the benefits of knowledge


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