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Thread: we are lazy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    we are lazy

    overtraing my butt. I don't buy it. if you are "on" I have no clue how you can spend less than 1 hour a day 3 days a week in the gym. I guess if you are off cycle and your just trying to maintian you gains that rutine may be sufficient. everyone is different but if you are on the juice you gotta train hard. some top pros only workout 4 days a week...but most train twice a day. for me to get max results I spend 12 hours per week in the gym, not including cardio. and I bust my butt. you won't see me sittn around or bsn with anyone. I think the "overtraing" crap is just that. for years top guys have spent hours everyday at the gym and it works. when you say your not workn out today and your going home to sleep so you can grow, I say bs your lazy...get to the gym. (peace)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    This was asked to Dorian yates;

    Q We frequently hear that you do only one set per exercise. How did that come about, and how does it work in practice?

    A I started doing one main set per exercise only after I won my first Olympia in 1992. Prior to that, I had done two sets per exercise. Here's how my training workload and intensity evolved.

    I started training in 1983 when the vogue was volume training--20 sets per bodypart was not uncommon. My instincts told me that was not the way to go, and as I researched bodybuilding, I became attracted to Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty system, which advocated intensity instead of volume. I started training four days a week, but very quickly felt I was overtraining and cut back to three times a week, working half the body at each session. After warm-ups, I did three sets of three exercises for large bodyparts and three sets of two exercises for smaller ones. With some slight modifications, this was my approach until 1986.

    Feeling I'd gotten the most out of that format, I devised a three-way split in which I trained two major bodyparts per session. In conjunction with that, I reduced my workload and increased the intensity by cutting my main sets to two per exercise. With each workout lasting about 45 minutes. I was able to hit a four-times-a-week training schedule in which each bodypart was worked three times over a 14-day period. I was incorporating forced reps and sometimes rest-pause and negatives I applied these principles only to the last set of certain compound exercises. I stuck to this modus operandi right up to winning the 1992 Olympia, after which I was looking to increase the intensity even more.

    My theory was that I had advanced to a stage where, with my strength and abilities to mentally focus, I could put 100% into one main set, go to failure and get the optimum muscular response. Even when I had been doing two sets per bodypart, I felt that maybe during set one I was holding something back in reserve for set two. Now, by doing one set, I knew everything could go--had to go--into that one effort.

    In preparation for that one all-out effort, I would warm up thoroughly. For heavy compound movements, I would do three warm-up sets. The accompanying chart shows a typical schedule for incline barbell presses.

    So that's how I developed my one-set strategy. It had taken nine years of hard training and application to build up to that level. It's tough, physically and mentally, to consistently put everything you have into one main set, but I believed in it. And with six Sandows, I have to believe it worked.



    Incline barbell 1* 12 135
    presses 2* 10 220
    3* 8 310
    1 8 425 ([dagger])

    * Warm-up sets.
    ([dagger]) At failure, two or three forced reps would be completed,
    followed by a couple of rest-pause or negative reps.

    Many of the worlds best train 3/4 days per week.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    This was asked to Dorian yates;

    Q We frequently hear that you do only one set per exercise. How did that come about, and how does it work in practice?

    A I started doing one main set per exercise only after I won my first Olympia in 1992. Prior to that, I had done two sets per exercise. Here's how my training workload and intensity evolved.

    I started training in 1983 when the vogue was volume training--20 sets per bodypart was not uncommon. My instincts told me that was not the way to go, and as I researched bodybuilding, I became attracted to Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty system, which advocated intensity instead of volume. I started training four days a week, but very quickly felt I was overtraining and cut back to three times a week, working half the body at each session. After warm-ups, I did three sets of three exercises for large bodyparts and three sets of two exercises for smaller ones. With some slight modifications, this was my approach until 1986.

    Feeling I'd gotten the most out of that format, I devised a three-way split in which I trained two major bodyparts per session. In conjunction with that, I reduced my workload and increased the intensity by cutting my main sets to two per exercise. With each workout lasting about 45 minutes. I was able to hit a four-times-a-week training schedule in which each bodypart was worked three times over a 14-day period. I was incorporating forced reps and sometimes rest-pause and negatives I applied these principles only to the last set of certain compound exercises. I stuck to this modus operandi right up to winning the 1992 Olympia, after which I was looking to increase the intensity even more.

    My theory was that I had advanced to a stage where, with my strength and abilities to mentally focus, I could put 100% into one main set, go to failure and get the optimum muscular response. Even when I had been doing two sets per bodypart, I felt that maybe during set one I was holding something back in reserve for set two. Now, by doing one set, I knew everything could go--had to go--into that one effort.

    In preparation for that one all-out effort, I would warm up thoroughly. For heavy compound movements, I would do three warm-up sets. The accompanying chart shows a typical schedule for incline barbell presses.

    So that's how I developed my one-set strategy. It had taken nine years of hard training and application to build up to that level. It's tough, physically and mentally, to consistently put everything you have into one main set, but I believed in it. And with six Sandows, I have to believe it worked.



    Incline barbell 1* 12 135
    presses 2* 10 220
    3* 8 310
    1 8 425 ([dagger])

    * Warm-up sets.
    ([dagger]) At failure, two or three forced reps would be completed,
    followed by a couple of rest-pause or negative reps.

    Many of the worlds best train 3/4 days per week.

    great info but I have to believe that would not work for a guy who isn't already huge. I mean he started that rutine after he was already a pro so I have to think that just helped him maintain, maybe gain a little

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I for one have a life and don't want to spend 4 hours in the gym. 4-5 sets, 4-5 exercises for big bodyparts, 3-4 for small. Plus cardio Nark and I are in the gym 2 hours MAX.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    As far as im concerned we are all completely different. At the end of the day you have to do what works for YOU!!!!!!!!! Some pros train twice a day, 6 days a week, others train 45 minutes a day, 4 days week. Dorian did what worked for him, ronnie does what works for him, I do what works for me and you do what works for you. I dont think the word LAZY comes into it. If lazy means staying at home, resting, eating and GROWING AND GETTING BIGGER then boy, im glad im a lazy f****r!

    Yh I could train 6 days a week, 20 sets per bodypart but I wont gain no size or strength. Just because you train 12 hours a week doesnt mean you have the right to call everyone else lazy. Ive been and tried the 6 days a week didnt work...........guess im lazy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    As far as im concerned we are all completely different. At the end of the day you have to do what works for YOU!!!!!!!!! Some pros train twice a day, 6 days a week, others train 45 minutes a day, 4 days week. Dorian did what worked for him, ronnie does what works for him, I do what works for me and you do what works for you. I dont think the word LAZY comes into it. If lazy means staying at home, resting, eating and GROWING AND GETTING BIGGER then boy, im glad im a lazy f****r!

    Yh I could train 6 days a week, 20 sets per bodypart but I wont gain no size or strength. Just because you train 12 hours a week doesnt mean you have the right to call everyone else lazy. Ive been and tried the 6 days a week didnt work...........guess im lazy.
    easy there big shooter...I certainly didn't mean to offend you. if you read the post I said yes everyone is different.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I for one have a life and don't want to spend 4 hours in the gym. 4-5 sets, 4-5 exercises for big bodyparts, 3-4 for small. Plus cardio Nark and I are in the gym 2 hours MAX.
    I have a life as well. and I am in the gym for 2 hours as well. I just go 6 days a week. works good for me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    gym 4-5 days a week sometimes i come in on the sixth just for like abs traps and basketball but minimum im in the gym 2 hours i dont f around either the gym is the most serious part of my day well at least to me it is

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I think the problem is dude read the mags and see the pros with their 30 sets per bodypart routine and think it's good for them. The pros usually don't have a life outside of bodybuilding so they can afford to spend the whole day in the gym.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Your girlfriend knows
    ! hour or 1hour and a half-4 times a week gets me done just fine...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    overtraing my butt. I don't buy it. if you are "on" I have no clue how you can spend less than 1 hour a day 3 days a week in the gym. I guess if you are off cycle and your just trying to maintian you gains that rutine may be sufficient. everyone is different but if you are on the juice you gotta train hard. some top pros only workout 4 days a week...but most train twice a day. for me to get max results I spend 12 hours per week in the gym, not including cardio. and I bust my butt. you won't see me sittn around or bsn with anyone. I think the "overtraing" crap is just that. for years top guys have spent hours everyday at the gym and it works. when you say your not workn out today and your going home to sleep so you can grow, I say bs your lazy...get to the gym. (peace)
    you are a TARD omFG ROFL a big one .. learn read and understand k? GOOD LUCK!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I get these thoughts sometimes and try to cut down how much I work out and how often. Honestly I think to myself, am I just being lazy or looking for an easy way out? Then I ramp it up again. I am always worried about overtraining but is it that easy to overtrain? I don't know, I just go by the way my body feels.

    Right now, I spend a good 1 1/2 to 2 hours every workout and I workout about 5/6 days a week. I'll admit, I don't have a life right now. I have goals that I am going to hit even if it kills me. I like to work each body part out twice a week while on cycle except for legs which I can only hit once a week. This seems to work for me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i train right no 6x a week .. KRAZY YOU SAY?
    my sessions are 30mins SO if u think about it .. its like 3x a week for 1 hr anyways im stoked w/ my phsique

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    you are a TARD omFG ROFL a big one .. learn read and understand k? GOOD LUCK!
    My exact thoughts tai...

  15. #15
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    easy there big shooter...I certainly didn't mean to offend you. if you read the post I said yes everyone is different.
    Yh sorry I went a bit over the top. I remember about 6 months back I tried training 5 days a week for 1 and half hours a time........I remember doing a chest workout with 4 exercises and 3 sets to FAILURE on each exercise. It was a 16 set chest blaster. By set 8 I had pushed so many sets to failure that I completely exhausted myself. I couldnt push maximum intensity and my joints and tendons were ****ed. I think if you do high volume you cant push every set to failure for 2 reasons............1. You cant possibly train to 100% intensity and 2. You get physically exhausted...........I was natural at the time but even now I wouldnt do no more than 12 sets per chest workout and only 6-7 of those sets going to failure.

  16. #16
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    Jan 2005
    The biggest guy at my gym works out 7 days a week he says he does it to stay in an anabolic state. me personally i work out between 5 to 6 days a week 2 hrs each day and that includes 30 min of cadio.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2005
    I think its obvious that u can gorw big with various diffrent methods of training. So to say that the biggest guy in ur gynm works out like this means nothing to me.. he could be a lot bigger fi trained diffrently etc etc etc.. What Im interested in is the method that works best.. So far Im convinced on the 3/4 times a week frequency but Im open for new developments/findings.. I also noticed myself that the bigger u get the more rest is needed. So a 5 times week routine might be good for a beginner (but would 3 times a week be better, who knows..).. this again is only my opinion .. far from a fact..

  18. #18
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by simster1
    The biggest guy at my gym works out 7 days a week he says he does it to stay in an anabolic state. me personally i work out between 5 to 6 days a week 2 hrs each day and that includes 30 min of cadio.
    wow IMO thats way over training and you would have like 3x growth potential w/ a lower volume per session and more intensity

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoo70
    ! hour or 1hour and a half-4 times a week gets me done just fine...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    man i train a total of 3-4hrs a week and thats it u all are crazy

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    wow IMO thats way over training and you would have like 3x growth potential w/ a lower volume per session and more intensity
    Thats what I was thinking when he told me but the guy is 5' 10" 270 with 23 inch arms cold.

  22. #22
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by simster1
    Thats what I was thinking when he told me but the guy is 5' 10" 270 with 23 inch arms cold.
    u knwo i have talked w/ some of the most brilliant minds out there in the world of training/diet/aas usage and here is what i have concluded NO ONE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING and EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT ><

    i have seen people train 3x a week and they are benching over 600 raw w/o gear
    i have seen people train 7x a week and they are like 135 WET
    i have seen people train 5x a week 1bp a day and they are uber sexy but weak but winning comps left and right
    so here it is

  23. #23
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    agree each person has to find whats works for them.

  24. #24
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    May 2003
    recovery is just as important as lifting. Also, read up on cortizal build up and how it is counter productive to lift for more than an hour. I found that when I cut down to 4 day weeks in the gym, I made much better strength gains. Not including cardio, I am in and out in 45 minutes. That said, I don't talk, BS or anything.

  25. #25
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    Jun 2004
    The pros use drugs beyond our wildest dreams, they eat crazy amounts and take shit loads of supps, they take it to the extreme of all extremes, all these things together allow them to recover far more quickly than normal people, so you dont want to be doing pro workouts unless you're are a pro, and many of them dont really do that much volume anyway, even big ron doesnt do a huge amount!

  26. #26
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    you are a TARD omFG ROFL a big one .. learn read and understand k? GOOD LUCK!
    wow, now this is intelligent conversation. I was simply saying what works for me. the reason for the "lazy" comments is due to the fact that there are so many young guys just getting started and it seems everyone is overdoing the overtraing concept. btw I will be 40 this year and have been training for many years. so your learn, read understand sissy coments are not nessesary.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    My exact thoughts tai...
    from you bro? hmm interesting. just last week i saw where you were talking it up on how important it is to be open minded to all aspects. not trying to get into it with you but i thought you were better then that

  28. #28
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    wow, now this is intelligent conversation. I was simply saying what works for me. the reason for the "lazy" comments is due to the fact that there are so many young guys just getting started and it seems everyone is overdoing the overtraing concept. btw I will be 40 this year and have been training for many years. so your learn, read understand sissy coments are not nessesary.
    my appologies its just that i have seen so many threads and they all seem the same and im so tired of explaining everything thing i would rather just make a simple comment to show my state of mind on it.

    its just that overtraining is very common and what makes it worse is once it starts people seem to do it even worse.
    they are traiing massive amounts NOT getting gains figure it kuz they arent training enuff and up their volume.

    learning to control cortisol by training in proper volumes is critical for growth

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    from you bro? hmm interesting. just last week i saw where you were talking it up on how important it is to be open minded to all aspects. not trying to get into it with you but i thought you were better then that
    u just hit a nerve among bb'rs lol
    its ok .. its just that LESS IS MORE and SORENESS DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN "GROWTH"

    two of the MOST important things i have learned in me 15yrs of training

  30. #30
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    my appologies its just that i have seen so many threads and they all seem the same and im so tired of explaining everything thing i would rather just make a simple comment to show my state of mind on it.

    its just that overtraining is very common and what makes it worse is once it starts people seem to do it even worse.
    they are traiing massive amounts NOT getting gains figure it kuz they arent training enuff and up their volume.

    learning to control cortisol by training in proper volumes is critical for growth
    I agree, but I was only refering to while "on". the gear is suppose to aid in recovery quikly and control cortisol. ( I know this is just 1 theory)

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2005
    look it's just confusing to some. I was reading a well respected mag a couple years back, most talk was about overtraining. in that very same issue was how to add 1 inch to your arms in 1 day. they lay out a detailed plan. which btw has you in the gym for like 7 hours in 1 day. which is it?

  32. #32
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    I agree, but I was only refering to while "on". the gear is suppose to aid in recovery quikly and control cortisol. ( I know this is just 1 theory)
    yeah gear is great but its not going to make that much of a diff in recovery that you can double ur standard workload

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    look it's just confusing to some. I was reading a well respected mag a couple years back, most talk was about overtraining. in that very same issue was how to add 1 inch to your arms in 1 day. they lay out a detailed plan. which btw has you in the gym for like 7 hours in 1 day. which is it?
    that one inch in a day crap doesnt build muscle, your muscles just get so fatigued and overworked they get inflamed and swolen, which results in them being "bigger" so that is a bad example! It really is different for everyone, what works for me might not for you and so on, thats why its best to switch up routines and constantly change things to get the best results YOU can get!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesC
    that one inch in a day crap doesnt build muscle, your muscles just get so fatigued and overworked they get inflamed and swolen, which results in them being "bigger" so that is a bad example! It really is different for everyone, what works for me might not for you and so on, thats why its best to switch up routines and constantly change things to get the best results YOU can get!
    dude I know. what I was saying is how it's in the same issue of a mag along with 4 articles about overtraining.

  35. #35
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    May 2005
    ok so the main reason I started this is because I have now had 2 different guys at the gym tell me I'm overtraining. these guys been training a couple years and neither could be over 170lbs. they come in and say " dude your always here, you now your not gonna grow overtraining like that" ok I am not huge, about 220 lbs 6' 18 inch arms. not big but certainly much larger then the "lazy" dudes giving me advice

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    just be like.. unless u weight 200+ .. HUSH.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    overtraing my butt. I don't buy it. if you are "on" I have no clue how you can spend less than 1 hour a day 3 days a week in the gym. I guess if you are off cycle and your just trying to maintian you gains that rutine may be sufficient. everyone is different but if you are on the juice you gotta train hard. some top pros only workout 4 days a week...but most train twice a day. for me to get max results I spend 12 hours per week in the gym, not including cardio. and I bust my butt. you won't see me sittn around or bsn with anyone. I think the "overtraing" crap is just that. for years top guys have spent hours everyday at the gym and it works. when you say your not workn out today and your going home to sleep so you can grow, I say bs your lazy...get to the gym. (peace)
    Training hard dosen't mean staying in the gym all day long and working each bodypart 2-3x a week. 12 hours a week seems like a lot to me. How many day a week do you workout? I hit it 3x a week with max intensity. Cardio is on the days I don't lift weights. It's an EOD protocol which has been working great for me. The thing of it is, is that if you push too hard and with too much intensity for too long too often, you're going to fry your CNS and your body won't be recovered from workout to workout. Bottom line is that you do need to eat and sleep to grow, PERIOD, and there's no other way around it. I am willing to bet that if you were to rearrange your routine it would yield better results for you. Especially if you're and older cat, more is not better, it just makes it harder to recover. If you can push weight like you say as often as you say, then IMO, you are not taking it to the max intensity. Even if you do bust your ass, I can bust my ass all day long doing circut training and I'll be winded at the end, but did I take it to the maximum intensity for me to lift the maximum weight? Probably not. JMHO, though.

  38. #38
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by smiler
    ok so the main reason I started this is because I have now had 2 different guys at the gym tell me I'm overtraining. these guys been training a couple years and neither could be over 170lbs. they come in and say " dude your always here, you now your not gonna grow overtraining like that" ok I am not huge, about 220 lbs 6' 18 inch arms. not big but certainly much larger then the "lazy" dudes giving me advice
    Here's a question...

    Are the 170lber's juiced?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    Here's a question...

    Are the 170lber's juiced?
    who knows and who cares. I went from a buck sixty to 200 natty so even if they are not there are obviously not working hard enouph. btw I don't stay in the gym all day. 2 hours usually and I like 6 days ew if I can. ( lot of times only 5) and I do bust my ass. leg day I can hardly walk down the 2 steps without falling. same for every bodypart. just me I guess

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Locked in Marcus's cellar
    im a pro and this is what i do.

    a) 4 days offseason (if on the road then 3 days) /week, every session only train one single body part.

    b) session always no more than 60-75 min and always between 13 and 17 sets per body part depending on when i feel the pump is unbearable.

    c) training routine is changed every few months. always train with heavy weight to a failure while keeping strict form.

    d) pre contest: routine is changed to 5 days a week with weights/cardio and and 6th day only cardio while 7th day is rest.

    *the mentioned above is only done when im on cause i'm on most of the year.

    *the drugs taken are in the grams not mgs. (this is because i need to maintain a higher lean muscle mass than a 200 pound pro. 190-200 pound pro will use less gear at the 750-1500mg test for example)

    **gh used all year long

    dorian's routine works and arnold's routine works....try it all it all works if you want it to work!!

    good luck

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