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Thread: test deca and mpb

  1. #1

    test deca and mpb

    for u guys who r predisposed to mpb ,,what meds did u run with a test deca cycle keeping in mind that one cannot use propecia ,,how was it on your hairline ? did u notice any hairloss ..thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The only thing I found out so far that you can use safely is, Rogaine (Xandrox) and a dandruff schampoo called Nizoral (Fungoral in sweden). You can also use some other type called Spironolactone, and all the these preps are ok with all steroids.

    I would like to hear more about other products.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    The only thing I found out so far that you can use safely is, Rogaine (Xandrox) and a dandruff schampoo called Nizoral (Fungoral in sweden). You can also use some other type called Spironolactone, and all the these preps are ok with all steroids.

    I would like to hear more about other products.
    are u predisposed to hairloss? have u ran a test deca cycle before ?and did u notice any hairloss or was it hair safe ..peace

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    The only thing I have run in the past is a 6 week deca, did not notice any hairloss at all on that but got depressed as hell after. But when I took my 6 week Winstrol a while ago I could notice more hairloss than normal in my bathtub. I have got some answers that Winstrol is very bad for the hair wich I did not know at all before I arrived here. Some people even say it is worse than test so, I hope that is true. If it's not and I will loose as much as on my 6 week winny I will drop the test and probably go for a deca only with a low dosage of dbol. I rather have a limp dick for a couple of months than no hair for the rest of my life. But that's just me, most other on this discussionboard would rather have that dick hard 24/7. I value both and would like to keep both hair and libido but it seems I might have to make a choice.
    Last edited by TinTin78; 01-02-2006 at 01:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I am about to start a Deca/test cyp cycle next monday so I might keep in touch on how it goes.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    I am about to start a Deca/test cyp cycle next monday so I might keep in touch on how it goes.
    good luck bro and keep us updated ,,bump for more replies

  7. #7
    sorry for the icon ,,i put that by mistake.loll

  8. #8
    bump 4 replies

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    you will be better off taking the test alone for 12 weeks and use propecia, than use the deca and dbol (dbol is very bad for the hairline and propecia will not reduce it. iv been in the same predicament and in the end just went with the test and finasteride.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by sitries
    you will be better off taking the test alone for 12 weeks and use propecia, than use the deca and dbol (dbol is very bad for the hairline and propecia will not reduce it. iv been in the same predicament and in the end just went with the test and finasteride.
    can u explain,,,

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    if you are predisposed to MPB, avoid using deca along with 5AR inhibitors. i went low-dose deca with high-dose test and dutasteride and noticed more hairloss than with the myth might be true, that DHN is actually easier on hair than deca.

    just run up the test dose and throw in tbol or var and you'll be good. or use EQ which is only helped by 5AR inhibition (no 1-Test conversion)

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