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Thread: is this right?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question is this right?

    this is my second cycle. does it look ok to u, i just need some other opinions . it looks good to me and i dont think ive forgotten anything but plz let me know.

    wks 1-4 d/bol 25mg per day
    wks 1-10 sus 200 per week
    wks 1-10 deca 200 per week

    nolva on hand in case of puffy/itchy nips

    clomid to start 2 weeks after last shot of sus/deca

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    The only problem I see is that half your sust is going to be wasted!

    Sust contains a bunch of different tests and some of them have short esters, which means for optimum use sust should really be injected every 2-4 days rather than once per week. Some people even suggest injecting every day.

    By injecting once per week, the shorter ester test is out of your system very quickly so you only reap the benefit of the longer ester test. Besides this of course your blood levels will be up and down like a yoho, which is not condusive to good growth.

    Dont get me wrong here - I am a strong advocate for sensible (read that as low) dosing if you can get away with it. But its all horses for courses, and sust is one of those things which needs to be injected more frequently, hence you need an ultimately higher weekly dose.

    Deca is probably ok at 200mg for the first cycle but for your second I would suggest going to 300 or maybe 400mg, where you can stay for a good number of cycles to come. I STILL (After 10yrs) never use more than 400mg of deca or EQ. (And yes I still make gains from it)

    I would suggest you rethink the sust part of your cycle. Either swap it for a single test with a longer ester (Perhaps enanthate) which can be injected once per week, or plan to get enough sust to take it every 3 days maybe (And maybe do a search on that since many people would argue that is too long a time as well!)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i understand what you are saying kaz, and i was thinking along the lines of 2 shots of sus a week to improve my gains during the course, i am not staritng my course for another 4/5 weeks so i will take what u have said on board, and thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kaz is right. (I am saying that about 5 times a week lately it seems!) If you still haven't bought and you can substitute Test. Enathate or Test. Cypionate, you will be better off.

    With Sustanon and Deca, you should start Clomid 3 weeks after your last injection, not two. Sustanon and Deca take 3 weeks to metabolize out of your system...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: is this right?

    Hmmm... so....

    wks 1-4 d/bol 25mg per day
    wks 1-10 Test 400 per week
    wks 1-10 deca 300 per week

    Yep... that looks good to me.

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