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Thread: Ready set here I go.....

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I'd have to suggest trying 50mg/day of Dbol before you bump it to 100mg/day. Me personally, I don't respond to Dbol very well so it would take the larger dosage for me to see gains, whereas someone else may be different, all in all I'd say you have to go with trial and error and see what works best for you. I agree with both points you two are making, but he'll have to try it and see.

    Ibd! where have you been bro? i havent seen you in over a week!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    tranzit, the biggest concirn i have at using at a young age is my natty test production. how many cycles have you ran and at what doses? i'm not going for HRT at age 30. pm me if you want, but id say this thread is crushed alread. lol

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    if your not useing yet i would suggest waiting till at least 21.. i know alot of guys say 25 but im being realistic here.. 21 you are most likely done growing.

    I have done .. i dont know how many cycles man.. a few.. 10-12-15? i dont know.. what do you consider a cycle? im on a cycle right now.. but its a 3 stage cycle that will last 34 weeks on gear with time off for pct and recovery.

    I have for the most part stayed with a few basic compounds..

    Test, sust, omna, enen prop, cyp, of course tren, deca, dbol, winstrol, i am going to do drol for the first time in 6 weeks or so. I have alot of buddies who use it but i never have. i have never used anavar, EQ, mast ect.. im pretty happy with the things i use. I get good results. I am sure i will try them all sooner or later.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    thanks for settling it BD. your a true AR representative!! keep me posted on that 100mg dbol ed. lol
    No I'm doing Drol at 75mg/day, I don't care for Dbol but then again I ran it at 50mg/day and it was QV, so that may have been the cause. I see what tranzit is saying with the 3wks at the beginning for serious gain, it all depends on what compounds you are running. I'm sure if he was suggesting Test E he would have said go with the 50mg/6wk run from what I got out of it.

    Btw Test, the best way to stay off of HRT is to fully recover after each cycle and get BW done. Keep your cycle lengths resonable and be smart about the decisions you make.
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 01-05-2006 at 01:06 AM.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Ibd! where have you been bro? i havent seen you in over a week!
    I'm an idiot, I changed my email and I couldn't post. Finally Pinn told me what I did wrong, fuker waited a few days, I think he needed a break from me BTW, following your log, keep it up man! I'm right there with you.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Always remeber the golden rule man.. EVERYONE is diffrent.. i talk to people all the time that hate sust, or hate winny or cant sleep when they take tren.. or whatever the list goes on. Its all about what works for you. Try it. see if you like it. If you do use it dont abuse it. I didnt just start taking 1750mg of test out of nowhere.. i think even 1g is insane for anyone who isnt close to at least 30 and has done 3+ cycles.. its somthing that i have settled into. 1750 keeps my blood levels good with test, that makes me feel good, i never get test flu's ect.. i have a baby daughter who already gets me sick enough i dont need any help.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    alright its bed time. need to drink my water take my night time vits and hit the sack later bro's

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    lata man. we just crushed this thread! lol, that's fvcked up tranzit. it was all your fault!

  9. #49
    It happens.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    don't think you didn't cause this BD you inconsiderate prick!

  11. #51
    haha, his question was answered and I missed you guys.

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