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Thread: I'm I over doing it? is this too much? help mods, vets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy

    I'm I over doing it? is this too much? help mods, vets

    ok, I know that being on gear too long is when it gets dangerous. sure some bros stay on for years but that doesn't make it okay just because they are fine. let me tell you about my cycle history when i started out I didn't know shit and took bad advies from other people who didn't know shit. I did two cycle all wrong of test and d-balls bad diet, no clomids, and the list goes on then went clean for a year and lost just about any gains I made. well being clean for a year went up to nov 2001, and this is what i've been doing since
    tt deca 300mg a week for 7 weeks with 200 mg of primo a week
    not much juice just 15 amps of primo and not even a hole bottle of deca.
    then 3 weeks after my last shot did clomids for 2 and a half weeks with 2 weeks of clens. so only 3 weeks of being totaly clean I used var at only 20 mg a day for 5 weeks kind of as a bridge.
    after 5 weeks of var i took a week and a half off used some clomids for the boys then jumped into primo/winny/eq. I only ran eq for 3 weeks because I decided not to use it. primo was used at 300 mg a week and winny stared at 25 mgs a day then 50 mgs a day of zambon the last week for 6 weeks. now on my 7th week of primo my hair was falling out too much and the gains were very slow so i switch to superanabolon at 250mgs a week for 4 weeks and ox 25 mg a week.
    I am still on the deca and have a week left I want to keep runing the ox till about late june at 25-30mg a day of spa.
    now as you can see i've been on for a while with little breaks, but my doses are low and the drugs I use are the safest.
    I plan to come off late june with clomids, noval and hgh and go totaly clean for 3-6 month
    the reason I stay on so long is because after all my research I found that slow steady gains are best.

    my results have been good I started at 158 pound at 5'8 13% bf (keep in mind I have a very small frame 6 inch wrist) and I'm currently at 173 10% very hard and solid
    now i want some advice from vets, and mods If you think this is too much and I should get off now. keep in mind that all my doses are low and the drugs are not harsh, and I was clean for a year before this.
    and if it matters i'm 23

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    btw you don't have to be a mod or vet to reply

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    If i was you bro i would get off it and just concentrate on your training and diet.........(GIVE YOUR SELF A BREAK)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    first--have blood work done the orals you have done have effects on liver--make sure values are correct
    second--you have done small doseages and some cleaner and safer drugs which is good ---i probably would tell you to hit it harder at less duration
    third---i know people who stay on all year long or 1 or 2 months off per year at bigger doseages than you take without many sides

    so i think it is time for you to take the break 3 to 6 months then do a bigger and harder cycle for 8-12 weeks with a few months off inbetween

    if have to bridge for awhile with dbol at 15mg am only---but thats a whole new story---check past threads info

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    dirty jerzy
    thanks for the reply so far, I am going off for 3-6 month but my main question is should I do it next week when i'm done with the deca or do you think it would be okay to still run ox alone for about another 4 weeks?
    oh and tapout when you say hit it harder i know what you mean but my body respondes better to lower doeses and longer cycles, I do use liver stuff like ala and milk thitle (sp) after my 3-6 month break i'm going to keep using the gh and keep it simple with 500mg of test a week with arimdex and slin and maybe primo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    you are well educated bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    suppression is still suppression, and everything you were and are on suppresses hpta. clomid for a week and half in between your cycles? wtf is that? you basically did 2 fairly low dosage cycles and bridged in between both of them.
    its time for some time off. give it a little rest and come back swingin hard on the next one. if youre going to do a cycle, dont half ass it, and try to stay on just for the sake of staying on. im not flaming you brother, just trying to give you sound advice, please take it as such.

    peace bb79

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