My Name is Mike ,I live in South Africa.
My stats are as follows..
1.74m Tall
77 kg
3 years natural
I have already got my gear and this is my cycle.
Mikes cycle
1 150 200
2 150 200
3 200 200
4 200 400
5 150 400
6 150 400
7 100 200
8 100 200
10 Start clomid
Take Nolvadex Every day 25mg
I will be using Test.cyp as you all know it's very cheap in South Africa it comes in a box of 10 at 2ml/200mg.
I manged to get EQ relatively cheap it is a 10ml bottle 1ml/50mg
My question is how many injections will I require when taking EQ and is it possible to mix it with the Test ? (when i reach 200mg of EQ on week 3 does this mean i will need 4 jabs a week ? )
P.S (If you have not used the following 2 steroids please do not post your advice) Thanks!