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Thread: D-bol

  1. #1

    Question D-bol

    I was wondering is it a good idea to try and take some d-bol like for the first two weeks of a cycle kinda like a boost into it or no? From what i have read it seems that being a newbie to aas d-bol may not be a good idea to go with alot of. but if you were to use it at the beginning for a kick-start is that ok and if so what would be some suggessted dosages.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    is this your 1st cycle brother?
    if so, then i would recommend a slightly lower dose of dbol to start, say 25-30 mg ed for the 1st 4 weeks, and this depends on what the rest of the cycle looks like. you should put your entire cycle up here so we can help you better.

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    just like bb79 said 4 weeks at 25-30 mg would do you great
    that is what i'm doing now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hey bro, definately post your whole cycle. Make sure you have anti e's and clomid. BTW, hell yes on the d-bol, d-bol is the bomb baby!!

  5. #5
    If I do do a cycle it would be my first cycle. But right now this is more like an educational question. Right now i work for a goverment agency and not sure of the testing yet, so still a little skeptical. i was thinkin of some dbol, sus, and maybe winny at the end. but like i said haven't fully researched and planned anything out yet. but thanks for the info and awesome help. thats why this site rocks cause people here always got your back and wanna help you out.

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