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  1. #1
    doctor41baller's Avatar
    doctor41baller is offline New Member
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    Suggestions on quick cycle

    I'm wanting something that I can cycle for a quick boost in size and to help lean up. It sounds dumb btu i'm suppose to be going to hawaii in early march. I really didn't want to start my big cycle, being that the vacation would interupt. but I would like to trim up, bulk somewhat, and get a little more vasculinity. Then once I get back I can work on a more extended cycle. I am ordering some clen today, but I would like for any suggestions ona quick 4-5 week cycle? Ive been dieting, 4 day weight training, 2-3 day cardio, along with work labor. I am currently 6'6" 240ibs and around 14-16% bf. Once I get some suggestions my next challenge will be finding it, so please nothing too rare if possible. Thanks guy/gals. If you need any other info to make a decision let me know. Thanks. i will need to know what and how much.

  2. #2
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    i don't recomend doing this "mini-cycle" because i believe when you do it-you need to do it right when it comes to anabolics, but if i did want to get lean and hard in a quick period of time i'd get 10-20 shots of 75mg tren acetate and 10-20 zambons and i'd run one every other day. and i wouldn't run clen

  3. #3
    doctor41baller's Avatar
    doctor41baller is offline New Member
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    I've ran tren before but never for this short of time...I actually was wanting to use that in my bigger far as zambons?? I don't know what that've been using cell-tech for about 2 weeks and damn i got pretty hard...but I'm holding water and thats kinda countering my goals of losing a little in the mid section...

  4. #4
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    S.Florida by way of NY
    what are ur stats

  5. #5
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    You've been a member for 3 years and you can't answer this question. You are not ready for steroids . For the next 3 years, read a little bit.

  6. #6
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    You've been a member for 3 years and you can't answer this question. You are not ready for steroids. For the next 3 years, read a little bit.
    perhaps he did "a lot" of research in those 3 years. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by doctor41balle
    r I'm wanting something that I can cycle for a quick boost in size and to help lean up. It sounds dumb btu i'm suppose to be going to hawaii in early march. I really didn't want to start my big cycle, being that the vacation would interupt. but I would like to trim up, bulk somewhat, and get a little more vasculinity. Then once I get back I can work on a more extended cycle. I am ordering some clen today, but I would like for any suggestions ona quick 4-5 week cycle? Ive been dieting, 4 day weight training, 2-3 day cardio, along with work labor. I am currently 6'6" 240ibs and around 14-16% bf. Once I get some suggestions my next challenge will be finding it, so please nothing too rare if possible. Thanks guy/gals. If you need any other info to make a decision let me know. Thanks. i will need to know what and how much.
    You need to work on your diet bro. If you're not going until March that gives you a little less then 3 months to GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR (no pun intended). 4-5 week cycles are just not worth it, especially for something like looking good on vacation. IMO, you should not let your body get outta shape whilest not on a cycle.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    if you run the right compounds and the right dose short cycles do work, its hard to say if they will work for you because everybody is different, design one and run it then you will know, me personaly i love them they are far better to recover from and easier to maintain the gains,

  8. #8
    doctor41baller's Avatar
    doctor41baller is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    if you run the right compounds and the right dose short cycles do work, its hard to say if they will work for you because everybody is different, design one and run it then you will know, me personaly i love them they are far better to recover from and easier to maintain the gains,
    thanks for the comment...What were you running? I think i want to go with a tren /prop on my long cycle, but for a short one, I can't think of one... I might end up just continuing my supplements and might cycle in some clen . Just keep busting ass. already seen a nice change, but i'm afraid i might plateau...if i keep up with what i'm doing now, I'm confident I'll be fine for vacation and be ready when i get back. Appreciate the help guys

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Just to add.

    Zambons are a make of Winstrol from Spain, I believe.

  10. #10
    doctor41baller's Avatar
    doctor41baller is offline New Member
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    Thanks...I don't plan on going to Spain soon, so i might be out of luck on those...haha <---just cause its funny...

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